Coupons and restrictions: you won't believe how many millionaires in the USA got rich - ForumDaily
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Coupons & Restrictions: You Won't Believe How Many US Millionaires Get Rich

More than 2020% of the US adult population has enough assets to be considered millionaires, according to Credit Suisse's 8 World Wealth Report. It turns out that over 20 million Americans can be considered millionaires. The edition told in more detail CNBC.

Photo: Shutterstock

Chris Hogan, radio host and author of Daily Millionaires, surveyed over 10 wealthy people to unravel the secret of their success.

Hogan quickly realized that most millionaires are not the ones they show on TV.

On the subject: US businessman found a way to make all Americans millionaires

“These are hardworking, ordinary people. They don’t shout about their condition,” he said.

Most of them have amassed their fortunes over time through wise decisions, Hogan says.

Many people believe that a millionaire is an expensive and fashionably dressed person who visits expensive restaurants and drives a Lamborgini, but this is not so. In reality, millionaires are our neighbors. You live near them, work with them. These are ordinary people who work every day. They are not window dressing, as everyone thinks. They work day after day.

Many millionaires do 5 things

Make a plan

They didn't become millionaires overnight. They built a plan, made intensive use of all the advantages of 401 (k), 403 (b), IRA. They made the choice to invest in a plan that really works.

Spend less

Studies have found that 94% of millionaires live on less money than they earn. Compared to all people, only 55% of them adhere to the same tactics.

Looking for discounts

This point may come as a bit of a shock: 93% of millionaires use coupons when they shop. And one more thing: the average millionaire spends about $ 200 or less per month on restaurants and cafes.

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Make up the budget

93% of millionaires stick to the budget they make themselves. That is, they do what they have planned.

Control destiny

About 97% of the surveyed millionaires believe that they themselves control their own destiny, which is much higher than public opinion (55%) on this matter.

This research shows that the right knowledge and attitudes, as well as making the right decisions, can make a person do incredible things.

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