Who, where and why emigrate from Israel
Middle-aged people are more likely to move to the United States. Young Israelis, students and aspiring professionals are heading to Europe. Most of those leaving for Europe adhere to leftist views.
More than half a million Israelis now live outside their homeland for various reasons. It is impossible to determine the exact figure, but according to the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics, from 1990 to 2015, 527 thousand Israelis lived abroad for more than a year, and 230 thousand returned to Israel after a long stay away from home, they write “NEWS«.
The main reason for emigration is economic. All other reasons mentioned periodically - safety, culture, mentality - are secondary to the thirst for a better financial life.
According to Dr. Karin Amit, who heads the emigration curriculum at the Rupin Academic Center, the average vocational education level of an Israeli who moves to permanent residence in other countries is higher than the average for Israel. Least of all leaving - among low-income Israelis: such leave their homeland only when a special opportunity arises or when they have relatives abroad.
The majority - about 70% of the total number of Israelis emigrating - go to the United States. They prefer to settle in large cities - New York, Boston, Los Angeles, Miami. According to Dr. Amit, the profile of those leaving for the US is higher than that of those leaving for other countries, that is, they are more educated and better off economically.
In second place in popularity - Western Europe, especially Berlin and London. If middle-aged people travel more in the US, then young people prefer Europe - students and beginners, singles and family, although, as a rule, so far without children. These are mainly left-wing people, Dr. Amit said. According to her, we are talking about the phenomenon of recent years, so it is difficult to assess how long they are going to stay there.
Another type of immigrants - new immigrants who lived for some time in Israel and went further. Basically, of course, such a model of behavior is characteristic of immigrants from the former USSR who, after several years of living in Israel, are leaving for Germany, the United States or Canada. By some estimates, out of the 1,3 million returnees who arrived in Israel from the former USSR, about 20% then moved to other countries.
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