Beautiful and free: natural wonders of Northern California worth seeing - ForumDaily
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Beautiful and Free: Natural Wonders of Northern California That Are Worth Seeing

Many don't mind paying to enter California's wonderful national parks. After all, this money goes towards maintaining the beauty of the parks! However, sometimes you are in the mood for a simple walk, during which you don't want to worry about admission tickets or parking fees. Here are some of the natural wonders of Northern California you can see for free. Only in Your State.

Photo: Shutterstock

1. Mount Shasta

Visible from almost anywhere in Northern California, the beauty of Mount Shasta cannot be understated. Towering over the landscape at 14 feet (179 km), it ranks as the fifth highest peak in the state of California and certainly one of our favorites. The mysterious power of the mountain over people is not something new. Lore about Mount Shasta has been used by the Klamath Tribes for thousands of years and is still the site of sacred rituals among the region's indigenous tribes. There are endless ways to enjoy everything this incredible mountain has to offer. Hiking, wildlife watching, fishing - all can be done in the mountain area. From hiking and biking in the summer to snowmobiling, skiing and sledding in the winter, there's always something to do here.

2. Redwood National Park

Northern California's most famous natural wonder is its redwood forests. There are many places in the region where you can enjoy the majestic beauty of the tallest trees on Earth, but Redwood National Park is one of the best. In addition to these beautiful trees, the park also boasts extensive prairies, oak forests, rivers, and 40 miles of rugged coastline. National and Redwood State Parks are free to visit, except for some day use areas. There's no entrance fee to drive the scenic roads or visit the combined three state parks and national park, making these destinations ideal for a stress-free adventure.

3. McCloud River Falls

Fans of waterfalls should definitely visit the McCloud River Falls outside the city of the same name. Finding each waterfall of the three cascades will be an unforgettable adventure in a beautiful setting. They are easily accessible via the McCloud River Three Falls trail. The trail follows the river and leads directly to the lower, middle and upper waterfalls. Although the waterfall is not the largest in the area, its unique beauty is certainly worth a visit.

4. Sanctuary of the Trinity Alps

As the second largest wilderness area in California, the Trinity Alps is a place that inspires awe in anyone lucky enough to explore it. Known for their carved granite peaks and alpine lakes, they have an area of ​​500 acres (000 ha). There is no fee to visit the reserve and it is open all year round. However, please be aware that some trails may not be accessible during the winter months. During the summer, trails like Canyon Creek are very popular and visitors should plan accordingly.

5. Point Reyes National Coast

Point Reyes National Coast, located on the Point Reyes Peninsula in Marin County, is a nature reserve on the coast of Northern California. Aside from breathtaking ocean views, Point Reyes also boasts rocky headlands, sandy beaches, hillsides, woodland ridges, and over 1500 plant and animal species! There is no better place to enjoy the beauty of the magnificent coastline. The entrance is free.

6. Sacramento River

California's largest river, the Sacramento River, flows south for 400 miles (644 km) from the Klamath Mountains to San Francisco Bay. Aside from its stunning beauty, the river is incredibly important to much of California for its water supply and hydropower. The river provides water for more than half of the state's population and supports the most productive agricultural areas in the country!

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7. Lake Tahoe

The crown jewel of California's Sierra Nevada mountain range, Lake Tahoe is a natural wonder like no other. Second in size only to the five Great Lakes (and second in depth only to Crater Lake), Tahoe is one of Northern California's most popular tourist attractions. While much of the lake's shoreline has been developed with resorts and parks, you'll find that there are plenty of places where you can enjoy the crystal clear beauty of the lake for free, such as Van Sickle Bee State Park, Commons Beach Park, or Lake Forest Beach .

8. Cypress Tree Tunnel

The famous Cypress Tree Tunnel is technically part of the Point Reyes National Coast, but it's such a cool place that it's worth mentioning separately! You may have seen pictures of this unique place on the web, as it is one of the most photographed natural wonders in Northern California. Made up of Monterey cypress trees, the tunnel is unmatched at sunset when light hits the trees at this beautiful moment.

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