The number of gang members in Chicago exceeded the number of police officers by almost 10 times
Police said the number of gang members in Chicago, Illinois outnumbered law enforcement officers by about 9 to 1, and a record number of police officers will retire this year. Writes about it New York Post.

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Police Superintendent David Brown estimated that about 117 people were members of the city's 000 prominent gangs last year.
This number significantly exceeds the city police, which employs about 13 employees.
The discrepancy may also be due to the fact that many police officers are retiring this year.
Between January and June, 363 employees left the department, according to the Police Pension Directorate.
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“I believe we are on track to have one of the highest retirement rates in the history of the city,” said local official Ray Lopez.
2020 police officers retired in 560, 475 in 2019 and 339 in 2018.
Lopez blamed mayor Laurie Lightfoot in part for this, claiming that she demoralized the officers with her anti-policing policies.
"Many of our officers don't want to leave law enforcement as a profession, but retire early to go to other departments because they don't feel valued and respected in Chicago," he said.
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Fox News host Geraldo Rivera sharply criticized the ratio of gang members to police in the city.
“A collaborative federal, state and local effort is urgently needed,” Rivera tweeted.
Rivera said it was a "miracle" that the number of murders in the city did not increase.
There were 382 murders in the city this year, down five from the same period last year, according to Chicago Police Department statistics.
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