Coffee, food, medical care: 10 goods and services that you can get for free in October - ForumDaily
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Coffee, food, medical care: 10 goods and services that you can get for free in October

October is here, and it's not just candy that's being given away for free this month. From flu shots and free weekly credit reports to free coffee and tacos, here are 10 slightly frighteningly good October deals. Money Talks.

Photo: IStock

Free Coffee at Cumberland Farms - Fridays in October

What could be better than a cup of hot (or cold) coffee? Get this delicious drink for free! Stop by the local Cumberland Farms every Friday through October for a complimentary cup of iced or hot coffee in any size. Find out more about free coffee on Fridays here.

2 months of free drinks at Panera Bread - until October 5th

Speaking of free drinks, you can now also win two free months of Panera Bread iced or hot coffee, soft drinks and sodas. Simply join the retailer's Unlimited Sip Club to enjoy a free drink every two hours, as well as "unlimited top-ups while you're at the cafe" and other exclusive member perks.

On the subject: Amazon's secret site with huge discounts: how to find it

From November 30th, you will be charged for your membership, but according to the Panera website, you can cancel your membership at any time. Learn more here.

Free Tacos at Taco John's – October 4

October 4th is National Taco Day: what better way to celebrate this delicious holiday than with a complimentary Beef Taco Bravo, a hard shell drenched in roasted beans and wrapped in a warm Taco John's tortilla?

Find out how you can get this delicious deal here.

Amazon Free Unlimited Music - Until October 12

If you're an Amazon Prime member, you can sign up for Amazon Music Unlimited and get four months of free music streaming. If you're not a Prime member, you can get three months of music for free.

Free Medicare Counseling Continues

Did you know that Medicare recipients who meet certain criteria are eligible for free smoking and alcohol counseling?

If you qualify and want to end your tobacco cravings, you can get up to eight sessions over a 12-month period for free. Eligible individuals seeking alcohol addiction treatment can receive up to four free sessions per year.

Free flu shots

Want to stay safe from the flu this season? Several retail chains offer discounts and free flu shots. We're talking about your next $5 Kroger purchase, a $10 Walgreens cash reward, a $10 Winn-Dixie coupon, and more, all for the chance you'll probably get anyway.

Free Hallmark Greeting Card - Every Month Until December

You can get a free Hallmark birthday card to give to friends and family every month for the rest of the year. Just register at program Crown Rewards retailer, keep an eye on the coupons in your inbox and go to your local store to pick up a postcard.

Free weekly credit reports - until 2023

Prior to the spread of COVID-19, consumers could only access one free credit report every 12 months from three major credit agencies. But that all changed when Equifax, Experian and TransUnion loosened the reins during the pandemic.

If you're used to checking your scores regularly for free, you'll be happy to know that you can now monitor your credit health every week without paying a dime until 2023. Free weekly credit report offer extended through 2023.

3 free days at 24 Hour Fitness

health clubs that offer individual workouts, group fitness classes, offer a free three-day trial pass to their gyms for future fitness enthusiasts.

Free Shipt Membership for Visa Cardholders

Consumers with an eligible Visa credit card can now take advantage of a great offer: a free Shipt membership.

If you have an eligible Visa Signature card, you can get a free membership to Shipt for three months. After that, you get a 50% discount on your monthly Shipt membership for the next nine months, including shipping fee waivers on orders over $35.

You may be interested in: top New York news, stories of our immigrants, and helpful tips about life in the Big Apple - read it all on ForumDaily New York.

Shipt provides home delivery of groceries and essentials from popular national retail chains such as CVS and Target, as well as smaller neighborhood stores. Did we mention that some orders can be delivered in as little as an hour? View details here.

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