Oxygen on Mars and the fifth ocean: unique events that first happened in 2021 - ForumDaily
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Oxygen on Mars and the Fifth Ocean: Unique Events That First Happened in 2021

2021 was full of incredible discoveries and events that happened for the first time. Edition The New York Times has compiled a list of 16 events that first occurred in 2021.

Photo: Shutterstock

1. An African woman leads the World Trade Organization

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala made history in March when she became the first African and the first woman to serve as Director General of the World Trade Organization. Okonjo-Iweala was also the first woman to hold the post of finance minister in her native Nigeria, a position she has held twice.

2. Fully digital artwork sold at auction for millions

Piece "Everydays: The First 5000 Days" artist Mike Winkelmann, also known as Beeple, was sold at Christie's for $ 69,3 million... The photo collage was the first fully digital NFT artwork, or intangible token, to be sold at a major auction house. This sale also marks the first time Christie's has accepted cryptocurrency as a form of payment.

3. Fully autonomous drone was used to attack people

According to a United Nations (UN) report, the drone was able to autonomously track down and destroy human targets in Libya. The Kargu-2 drone, manufactured by a Turkish military contractor, was deployed in March in an area where the UN-sanctioned transitional government and soldiers of Khalifa Haftar, the de facto leader of the Libyan National Army, were stationed. Although the remotely controlled drone war has been around for a long time, this was the first recorded case where artificial intelligence was given full freedom to search and destroy human targets.

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4. The human brain is connected to a computer wirelessly

Scientists at Brown University have completely connected the human brain to a computer through a transmission device. This could be a breakthrough treatment for people with spinal cord injuries. Paralyzed test subjects could move the limbs of robots simply by thinking about these movements.

5. NASA's Perseverance rover created oxygen on Mars

An instrument called MOXIE - or Mars Oxygen Exploitation Experiment - is on board Mars rover Perseverance successfully transformed part of the Martian atmospherewhich consists mainly of carbon dioxide, oxygen. While the technology is still in its infancy, it could help make future human missions to the Red Planet a reality.

6. The world's largest jewelry brand has released its first collection of diamonds created in a laboratory

Pandora has announced that it will stop using mined diamonds in its jewelry and unveiled its first synthetic stones. The Pandora Brilliance collection has already debuted in the UK and is expected to hit other markets in 2022. The company cited affordability and consumer demand for ethically sourced and sustainable materials as reasons for the move.

7. National Geographic cartographers have recognized the existence of a fifth ocean on Earth

On World Oceans Day, the National Geographic Society officially recognized the fast current surrounding Antarctica as the Southern Ocean. The organization, which has been publishing maps and atlases since 1915, has compiled a new map that now officially marks the Southern Ocean, a body of water that scientists and explorers had for years already separated from the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian and Arctic oceans, but which was not officially recognized.

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8. Richard Branson became the first private person to go into space in his own spacecraft

Taking a huge step towards making astrotourism a reality, Virgin Galactic founder Richard Branson won the billionaire space race by flying into space in the SpaceShipTwo supersonic spacecraftdeveloped by his company. Nine days later Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon and Blue Origin, joins space billionaire club on its own New Shepard rocket.

9. Astronomers saw light coming from behind a black hole

The light may not be able to leave the black hole, but astronomers managed to see it for the first time. It was located 800 million light years from Earth. This discovery, detailed in the journal Nature, once again confirmed Albert Einstein's theory of relativity.

10. World's first 3D-printed school opens in Malawi

The world's first 3D-printed school opened its doors in July in Malawi. The school was built by 14Trees, a joint venture between a British real estate development firm and a Swiss building materials company. The organizers hope that fast, affordable technology will help solve the country's acute school shortage.

11. Rain was recorded at the highest point of the Greenland ice sheet

Experts say this is another harbinger of global climate change: rain fell for the first time since observations began in the 1980s at Greenland's highest point, about two miles (3,2 km) above sea level... Temperatures on the island rose above freezing in August, causing it to rain for several hours, according to the US National Snow and Ice Data Center.

12. El Salvador became the first country to make bitcoin the national currency

In September, El Salvador passed legislation making bitcoin legal tender alongside the dollar. This move was met with doubt among many Salvadorans who skeptical about inherent bitcoin volatility. Financial experts have expressed concerns that the cryptocurrency could cause further economic instability in El Salvador and contribute to money laundering.

13. Ocean drone first shot a strong hurricane from the inside

In September unmanned ship hit the heart of Hurricane SamCategory 4 storms with winds exceeding 120 miles (190 km) per hour. The researchers hope the data they collect will help them better understand how hurricanes are getting stronger.

14. SpaceX sends the first fully civilian crew into space

The SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule and its crew of four were in Earth orbit for three days with no professional astronauts on board.

15.France for the first time in history recalled ambassadors from the United States

In September, US President Joe Biden announced the United States would share tightly guarded submarine propulsion technology with Australia, a rare move widely seen as a countermeasure against China's looming influence in the Asia-Pacific region. Shortly before this deal was concluded, Australia abandoned an earlier agreement to buy conventional submarines from France.

In protest, France, which was not informed of the deal, recalled its ambassadors from the United States for the first time in a long diplomatic history with this country, which began in 1778.

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16. Sales of cars with zero emissions exceeded sales of diesel engines in Europe

In September, sales of electric vehicles surpassed diesel sales for the first time in Europe, according to the European Electric Car Report. While analysts predict it could be a short-term leap for now, due in part to ongoing challenges with the global supply chain, they say they have seen a fundamental shift towards zero-emission technologies.

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