Quarantine is not a hindrance: ICE arrested 2000 illegal immigrants in a month - ForumDaily
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Quarantine is not a hindrance: ICE arrested 2000 illegal immigrants in a month

Most of those arrested were convicted of assault, domestic violence, and other crimes with the victims, according to the official website of the USCIS (ICE).

On Tuesday September 1, ICE announced the results of the recent enforcement action against illegal immigrants. The target of the service were accused criminals or people suspected of serious offenses.

“The aliens targeted in this operation preyed on men, women and children in our communities, committed serious crimes and, at times, repeatedly hurt their victims,” said ICE Acting Director Tony Fama.

“By focusing our efforts on the perpetrators of crimes against people, we can eliminate these threats in communities and prevent future victimization. Through our targeted law enforcement efforts, we are eliminating the threat posed by these criminals, many of whom are repeat offenders,” he added.

Between July 13 and August 20, ICE officers arrested more than 2000 individuals who are illegally residing in the United States or those who could be expelled from the United States because of their criminal history. About 85% of those arrested by ICE on immigration charges also had a criminal record or their criminal cases were pending.

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Many had been convicted of multiple criminal counts and were awaiting charges of crimes (note: these numbers represent criminal charges and convictions, not individuals—individuals can have multiple criminal charges and convictions). These crimes included:

  • 388 convictions and 386 pending assault charges, including simple assault, beating family members and non-family members, and assaulting law enforcement officials;
  • 291 convictions and 216 pending domestic violence charges;
  • 83 convictions and 64 pending charges for sexual crimes, including rape, sexual assault, indecent behavior and denial of registration as a sex offender;
  • 136 convictions and 63 charges of family misconduct, including neglect and abuse of a spouse or child;
  • 71 convictions and 40 pending juvenile sex offenses;
  • 14 convictions and 12 pending charges of murder - manslaughter and reckless homicide;
  • 23 convictions and 44 charges of harassment - extortion, intimidation and stalking;
  • 29 convictions and 7 pending fugitive accusations;
  • 20 convictions and 10 charges of robbery;
  • 12 convictions and 2 pending charges of facilitating juvenile delinquency;
  • 9 convictions and 15 charges of kidnapping;
  • 11 convictions and 3 charges of identity theft;
  • 1 conviction and 1 arson charge; and 1 conviction for riot.

ICE continues to pursue foreign criminals and threats to public and national security on a daily basis. ICE does not exempt classes or categories of migrated aliens from potential legal impact. Anyone who violates immigration laws can be arrested, detained and, if they can be removed in accordance with a final order, expelled from the United States. ICE takes many factors into account when arresting people, including their criminal and immigration background.

Victims of crimes committed by persons violating immigration laws are encouraged to contact the office ICE VOICEif they need help. The Office provides victims and their loved ones with a single point of contact for information on foreign criminal detainees at ICE, including the ability to automatically retrieve data on the status of detention, disclosed criminal history, or explanations of immigration policy and the expulsion process. Toll-free hotline number: 1-855-48-VOICE.

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ICE uses all the necessary powers of the prosecutor's office when meeting with family members of those arrested and assesses each individual situation to determine the appropriate course of action.

In fiscal 2019, those arrested by ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) had the following criminal history:

  • over 1900 convictions and murder charges;
  • 1800 - in kidnapping;
  • 12 - in sexual crimes;
  • 5000 - in sexual assault;
  • 45 - in attacks;
  • 67 in drug-related crimes;
  • 10 in weapons-related crimes;
  • 74 in driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

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