In Silicon Valley getting ready to change the conditions for a working visa H1-B - ForumDaily
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In Silicon Valley getting ready to change the conditions for a working visa H1-B

Photo: Shutterstock

The leaders of several of the largest technology companies in Silicon Valley condemned the decree of US President Donald Trump, banning refugees and citizens of 7 countries with a predominantly Muslim population entering the country, writes

But most of all, giant companies are concerned about the reform, which could affect the popular work visas - H1-B. These visas allow American companies to hire foreign professionals. Every year in the United States they hold a lottery in which 65 thousand visas are awarded. Going forward, H1-B gives workers the opportunity to obtain a green card. But this is if you have a higher education.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer said the work visas "are part of a larger immigration push." No details yet. But one thing is clear: Trump will still work on work visa reform.

Previously, Trump's senior adviser Stefan Miller suggested closing the lottery and choosing among employers those who pay the highest wages. It is possible that the minimum wage of employees who are hired for H-1B will rise from $ 60 thousand to $ 100 thousand.

In the meantime, in the Silicon Valley are discussing Trump's ban on the entry of citizens from 7 countries with a Muslim majority. Google CEO Sundar Pichai said the new law has affected at least 187 company employees. One of them already urgently went back to the United States, as he was afraid that he would not be allowed back.

“It is sad to see that this order will somehow limit the lives of Google workers and their families, and will also create barriers to talent flowing into our country,” Pichai said.

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