How to get an internship with payment to US museums - ForumDaily
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How to get an internship with payment to US museums

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No wonder the United States called the country of opportunity. Here, friendly attitude to foreigners seeking to gain work experience and new knowledge. That is why American companies and enterprises annually offer a large number of internships, both for their beginner specialists and for visitors.

A selection of internships in the best museums in the United States, in which work is available not only to young art historians and culturologists, but also to students and graduates of other specialties, has prepared Self made trip.

National Gallery of Art (National Gallery of ArtWashington

For whom: recent students, graduates, bachelors, masters, graduate students and doctors of science in the fields of art history, painting, design, cultural studies, management and record keeping.

Type of internship: paid. Successful candidates receive an allowance that is enough for travel expenses, food and accommodation. The amount of benefit depends on the type of internship and its duration.

Period: from 1 month to 1 year. Internships are held annually.

How to apply: through online form or by email [email protected]

About the museum: From the opening of the museum in 1937, visitors can admire the masterpieces of Raphael, Titian and other world-famous artists and sculptors. Details on official museum site.

Modern Art Museum (Museum of Modern Arts), New York

For whom: recent students, graduates, bachelors and masters in the fields of art history, painting, design, cultural studies, architecture, media.

Type of internship: paid - $2 for seasonal internships, $500 for annual internships + $29 for 000-week vacation. The program participant must independently distribute funding for travel expenses, food and accommodation. In addition, the museum helps with obtaining an American visa.

Period: year-round seasonal internships last for 10 weeks. Applications are now open for the fall (from September to December), the deadline is June 10. The annual program begins and ends in September (the deadline is June 3).

How to apply: filled statement along with an essay, motivation letter, resume and recommendations, send by email to: [email protected] – for annual internships, [email protected] - for seasonal internships.

About the museum: The Museum of Modern Art in New York opened the first exhibition in 1929. Today you can see 200 thousands of works created over the past 150 years. Among the top three museums of modern art in the world. Details on official museum site.

Guggenheim Museum (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum), New York

For whom: last-year students, graduates, bachelors, masters, graduate students and doctors of science in the fields of art history, painting, design, cultural studies, as well as management, clerical work, teaching, public relations, history, graphics.

Type of internship: unpaid. But if there is research work (being prepared or already written) relating to the museum's collection, the intern will be paid a one-time stipend of $ 1000. In addition, the museum helps interns from abroad with obtaining a visa and finding a residence during the internship.

Period: each internship in any department of the museum lasts 3 of the month. Held annually in spring (November deadline - 1 November), in summer (January deadline - 30) and autumn (June deadline - 1).

How to apply: through online form or by email [email protected]. In both cases, in addition to the application, you must also send a motivation letter, resume and recommendations from the teacher or rector of the university.

About the museum: The Guggenheim Museum was founded in New York in 1939 year. Today, 3 subsidiaries also operate: in Venice, Abu Dhabi and Bilbao. The predominant part of the collection - works of modern art 20 and 21 centuries. However, the works of Paul Gauguin, Marc Chagall, Edgar Degas, Wassily Kandinsky, Pablo Picasso and Claude Monet remain the gems of the museum. Details on official museum site.

Museum of Fine Arts (Museum of Fine ArtsBoston

For whom: recent students, graduates, bachelors and masters in the fields of art history, painting, design, cultural studies, as well as management, public relations, information technology.

Type of internship: unpaid. The management of the museum helps foreign interns with accommodation.

Period: Each internship in any department of the museum lasts 3 months. Held annually in autumn (deadline – September 9), spring (deadline – January 7) and summer (deadline – March 27).

How to apply: by email ([email protected]) you need to send the following documents: a free-form application indicating the desired internship (field of activity and department of the museum), a motivation letter, resume, letter of recommendation from the teacher, a short essay about yourself and your passion for art.

About the museum: The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston opened in 1876 year. Today, its collection contains more than 500 thousands of exhibits from the times of ancient Egypt to the present day. Among the works - the work of Donatello, Rembrandt, Claude Monet, Renoir. Details on official museum site.

National Museum of American History (The National Museum of American HistoryWashington

For whom: last-year students and graduates-bachelors, masters, graduate students and doctors of science in the fields of art history, painting, design, cultural studies, architecture, media, music, marketing, advertising, clerical work.

Type of internship: unpaid. The museum helps foreign specialists with the placement and processing of a visa.

Period: Seasonal internships last from 3 to 5 months. Held annually in spring (October deadline - October 15), in summer (March deadline - March 1) and in autumn (July deadline - July 1).

How to apply: You can apply through a special platform. The application should also include an essay, a letter of motivation, a resume and recommendations from the teacher and rector of the university. Questions about participation in the internship program can be asked here.

About the museum: The National Museum of American History in Washington began its work in 1964. In the exhibition halls you can trace the entire history of the emergence of the US state: from the clothing of the Indians and the first sets of laws to the first records of jazz music and modern cars. Details on official museum site.

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