How is the presidential club Mar-a-Lago - ForumDaily
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How is the presidential club Mar-a-Lago

Palm Beach Florida is rich in luxury mansions and clubs. One of them is Mar-a-lago The former residence of businesswoman and philanthropist Marjorie Merriweather Post is now a private club owned by President Donald Trump. This is where he plans to move after leaving the White House.

Photo: Shutterstock

Mar-a-Lago is different from traditional clubs that are usually closed and unite people of some profession or interest. A member of the club owned by the president can be anyone who has money for a membership fee, writes Bloomberg.

If a potential club member has the opportunity to make $ 200 thousands of entry fee, then he will most likely be accepted.

In addition, both members and non-members of the club can rent the premises of Mar-a-Lago for various events, if their financial situation allows.

Trump bought the estate in 1985, after it had not owned a host for more than 10 years. When Fast died in 1973, she bequeathed the mansion to the US government as the “Winter White House,” but Presidents Nixon, Ford and Carter did not accept this gift.

In 1981, the estate was transferred to the Post Fund, in 1985, Trump bought it for $ 8 million and moved there with his wife Ivan.

Photo: Shutterstock

Palm Beach residents didn’t like the billionaire much, and in the 1990s several lawsuits took place between the city’s authorities and Trump. The businessman claimed that he was "persecuted for pursuing an open-door policy in a closed city."

In 2006, the city fined Trump $ 1 a day for oversized flag on the club grounds; the conflict was resolved, and Trump agreed to donate $ 250 to charity.

Most Palm Beach clubs have severe restrictions on membership policies, arguing that these restrictions have nothing to do with race, religion, or skin color to join the club.

Mar-a-Lago has no such restrictions, guests are treated at the bar and buffet, which provide a huge selection of treats, meals are served in antique porcelain owned by Post.

Most of Mar-a-Lago is hidden behind a hedge, but from South ocean boulevard You can see the mansion and the pool with striped umbrellas, because the fence is much lower.

In a house with an area larger than 10 thousand square meters everything is thought out to the smallest detail, the walls and ceilings are painted and decorated by hand.

Dozens of rooms have remained intact and retained their original decor. Club members can stay there. There is, for example, the "Spanish room" with a gold leaf ceiling and the "Dutch room" lined with blue and white Dutch tiles.

From the new rooms in the building created a hall in the style of Versailles, which accommodates up to 800 guests.

After Trump was elected president, the security regime increased in the club, which also affected guest checks.

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