How to save money in Starbucks stores - ForumDaily
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How to save money in Starbucks coffee shops

There are several ways to save money in the famous coffee network. Photo:

There are several ways to save money in the famous coffee network. Photo:

Many US residents prefer to drink coffee in the Starbucks network. But not everyone knows that there are several ways to help you save money in Starbucks, the newspaper writes

Take note:

  1. Many do not know that in one visit you can get a second batch of coffee for 50 cents. And you can choose another drink for the same money. For example, cold coffee or tea.

2. Do not buy bottled water. You can simply ask for water in a glass. Fluid in the network is filtered three times, so do not worry about its quality.

3. If you come to a cafe with friends, then you can order coffee in a special french press at all. It will be cheaper than ordering individual drinks.

4. On your birthday, you are entitled to a free drink or treat. But before visiting the cafe do not forget to register This promotion is valid for 30 days. If you have a bonus card with reliable information about the birthday, then registration will take place automatically.

5. To receive discounts and other benefits (for example, free portions of the same glass in a cafe during a visit), you can register on the Starbucks website and get a bonus card. You can register for a new discount program and get a gold card with any purchase before 2 May here.

6. Try to order a short drink instead of tall. Such a glass of coffee will cost you less, but the amount of espresso in it will be the same as a tall glass.

7. If you come to a cafe with your pet, you can ask for a “puppy latte” for him, for example, and the employees will treat him with whipped cream from the establishment.

8. Grab your glass from the house for a drink. This will save you 10 cents. A little, but nice.

9. You can always order an espresso with ice and then add the milk yourself. Get ice-coffey with milk.

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