How to make $ 1000 out of thin air: simple but effective saving methods - ForumDaily
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How to make $ 1000 out of thin air: simple but effective saving methods

It is not every day that a thousand dollars falls from the sky, put in an envelope and addressed to you. But that doesn't mean you can't get something for free, or at least more for less. Edition Money Talks News shared a few ideas with which you can earn an additional several hundred dollars.

Photo: Shutterstock

1. Get $ 100 for your opinion

How about making money by watching TV and from the comfort of your home?

Survey Junkie is a free site that pays you to take surveys and give your opinion.

In exchange for completing market research surveys (they take 15 minutes on average), you can earn points that can be redeemed for gift cards at companies like Amazon and Target, or for cash via PayPal.

Simply fill out a profile questionnaire to determine which surveys you can participate in and you will receive rewards for each survey you complete.

2. Replace the overpriced auto insurance

When was the last time you compared or otherwise estimated car insurance costs? Car insurance is expensive, but that doesn't mean you should let it drain your bank account. Here's a super easy way to get a better deal and save hundreds of dollars.

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Take the hassle and guesswork out of your auto insurance with The zebra... You can get real-time comparisons from over 100 insurance companies in just three minutes and easily set a new, better rate.

Zebra says its users save an average of $ 368 a year on auto insurance.

3. Find cheaper home insurance in minutes

Want to save a few more hundred more? Then don't stop at car insurance.

We are all tempted to “buy and forget” with home insurance. Who wants to go through the painful process of comparing vendors and making changes? Fortunately, policy genius solves this problem.

You can save on your homeowners insurance policy in literally three minutes - with Policygenius.

Just answer a few simple questions and you will be shown the terms of several potential new insurances that you can apply for with a few simple clicks.

4. Refinance your mortgage and save hundreds monthly

Instead of saving hundreds, how about saving thousands? This is quite possible through mortgage refinancing.

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America's Most Popular Lender Rocket mortgagewill most likely be able to save you a lot of money and also help convert some of your home equity into a good and solid bank balance.

Rocket Mortgage displays typical 15 and 30 year fixed mortgage rates right on its website before you enter any information.

5. Invest in companies like Amazon, Facebook or Tesla

If you don't invest in the stock market, you are missing out on historically high returns. In fact, the average stock market return has been around 10% per year for almost the last century. And now you can invest in companies like Amazon for free.

Just link your bank account to the investment app Robinhoodand the site will reward you with one share of a randomly selected company, which can be worth up to $ 225.

If you don't like the promotion or want to cash out as soon as possible, you can sell your bonus stock three trading days after it arrives in your account.

And if you don't have a big name stock, don't give up anyway—you can earn up to $500 more in free shares per calendar year by referring your friends to Robinhood.

Beyond the freebies, Robinhood is an easy way to start investing because it has no minimum balance, charges no commissions or fees, and allows you to buy cryptocurrency or fractional shares of expensive stocks that would otherwise be unavailable.

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