How a simple American family rescues illegal immigrants in the border zone
While Washington is arguing about building a wall with Mexico, ordinary residents of the border zone are demonstrating that even with political differences, you can come to a common denominator and unite around goodness and mercy, writes “Voice of America«.
Hurray Hunter hails from a provincial town in Mexico. She moved to the United States more than 40 years ago and has long received American citizenship. Her husband, Joe Hunter, is from a conservative family supporting President Donald Trump's idea of building a border wall on the border with Mexico. Laura and John met in 2000.
Then, 28 people died from dehydration, who tried to illegally cross the American border. Upon learning of this, Joe took action and built dozens of water reservoirs in the desert along the border. A flag was hung near each, so that it would be easier to find them from afar. Laura became the first volunteer who decided to help him.
“We had 340 such storage facilities. We were very tired, because we did not have enough people who could help. In such difficult times, John said: “What if someone dies?” And we continued,” recalls Laura.
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It also happened that during the rounds of the stores they met illegal immigrants. For such cases, they always have some food and water with them to share with these people.
“We cannot change the politics or the situation of a country where people are fleeing. The only thing we can do is supply water. Why not, if we have such an opportunity,” adds volunteer Laura.
Not everyone is happy with what this couple is doing in the USA. For example, activists of the AZ Patriot organization find such storage facilities and remove water.
“Of course we don’t want anyone to die. But they have water on the other side of the border,” says activist Jennifer.
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The provision of water and food to illegal immigrants is not technically considered criminal in the United States, but there have been arrests of people who tried to carry out this business.
John is planning another project that is linked to an irrigation canal running along the US-Mexican border. It killed at least 500 immigrants when they tried to get into the United States. He wants to install special buoys with cables every 400 meters so that people can grab onto them and get out of the water.
“We just want to stop people from drowning,” Joe said.
Despite their actions, the couple has its own political views. For example, John supports Trump's policies, but this does not stop helping those who want to get to the United States in search of a better life.
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