Three clever, but legal ways to get into the US - ForumDaily
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Three clever, but legal ways to get to the US

People who have moved to the US are worried about their relatives and friends who find it difficult to get a visa now. What is the way to go to meet close relatives and friends in America? The real stories of people in the ForumDaily material.

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Tourist visa "through" student

Maria always dreamed of seeing New York and Los Angeles. In the 2010 year, when there were no such problems as now, she decided to do the documents, but she was confronted with “scary” stories about the interview. Acquaintances told what interrogation they were given by the officers, especially for single girls who were on the “suspicious” list.

“I understood that they could refuse to issue me a tourist visa, because at that time I was not married and did not have any real estate in Russia, which means, according to the consulate, I could easily stay in the States, because there was nothing for me in my homeland held,” the girl shares. “I was afraid to take risks, because when there is already a refusal, then the second time the chances of receiving documents decrease.”

Masha was advised to make a student visa, having booked any courses. This increased the chances of receiving the cherished “sticker”; all that was needed was to choose an educational institution that had successful experience in inviting foreigners.

“I opted for directing express courses, since it is close to my profession,” says Maria. “Therefore, there were no problems, they gave me the documents right away, and during the interview they didn’t bother me at all, there was nothing as scary as I imagined.”

After studying in Los Angeles in the summer, she returned home and easily made a tourist visa. She has already celebrated Christmas in New York. Having fallen in love with this city, she decided to stay. Within six months, Masha found a job, having received permission from her and changing her status.

“This option was only bad because you couldn’t leave America,” she says. – Or rather, it’s possible, but it’s not a fact that they would have been allowed back. You need to go to Russia and sign up for an interview there, get a sticker in your passport, that is, a work visa, and not just a permit, as I had. Then the road is open. But I doubted that everything would go smoothly, and did not take risks.”

Maria wants to meet her love in the Big Apple and get the treasured documents. But sometimes it can take years for everything to turn out as it should. In the meantime ...

“Conversations with family on Skype, of course, help, but I really want to communicate live, hug,” shares Masha. “They finally had the opportunity to come to America, but the situation with the issuance of tourist visas has worsened. We decided that my brother would fly to me first. We have different surnames, perhaps this will help, and he wants to go my way, though, take a course in photography.”

Immigration lawyers do not recommend hiding any information when filling out a visa application form, as this may affect the result not in your favor. The most realistic way: to choose a school with a good reputation, to show that you have a business or real estate at home and there are no intentions to stay in the USA. You must be ready to prove why you chose this or that direction in training. For example, a master class for photographers. Provide your past work, customer reviews, if you’ve shot any events, express your desire to improve the quality of the workmanship, because you “read and heard about this place a lot of positive things”.

Grandmother, mother, nanny and patriot

Rita has been living in Florida for seven years, she has a wonderful family: an American husband, a son of five, and soon a daughter will appear. Her mother was going to come and help the first months with the newborn.

“She’s a pensioner,” says the woman. – She has no desire to stay in the States, but who would believe it? We began to think about how to prepare her for the interview, and then an idea came: my mother had always been an activist in the local House of Culture. Or what are they called now? In short, she is responsible there for all holidays associated with a national focus, with our roots. They do even simple events according to all customs. We found all the photographs confirming this fact, took a piece of paper from the head of the center that she should be on site on December fifteenth to prepare for the celebration of the New Year, and then Christmas.”

Either well-collected “evidence”, or the human factor influenced the receipt of a tourist visa, but the decision was made in favor of the Ritino family - the grandmother flies out in two weeks to the grandchildren.

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Between times on a cruise

Victor and Anna live in Russia, and their son Michael - in America. He cannot leave the USA yet, waiting for his turn to undergo an interview.

“We haven’t seen Misha for two years,” says Victor. “But we really support his desire to go his own way.” Before that, my wife and I had only been to Europe, and only Schengen was in our passport.”

The couple wanted to make their own visas and book a hotel, but the popular talk about getting documents, such as "fifty-fifty," puzzled them.

“We decided to seek professional help and advice,” says Anna. – We were offered an “almost win-win option” - to take a cruise that started from Miami. We collected all the evidence that we both work, have real estate, a small business, and elderly parents. As a result, we combined business with pleasure: we saw Misha - before and after the trip - and had a wonderful rest.”

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It is impossible to unequivocally say that it was precisely these small and absolutely legitimate tricks of our heroes that helped them get visas to America. Probably, it was possible not to panic and to go more simple way.

But it is better to be safe and enjoy long-awaited meetings. We wish Maria to be as lucky as the families of Rita and Michael.

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