How to get to the best Broadway shows in New York almost for free
Almost every Broadway show can be reached at an attractive price. One way to do this is to try your luck by playing the lottery. If you're lucky, then a ticket to a good show venue with a huge discount is yours. How to seize such a chance is said on the website. Free Tours by Foot.
Broadway is a vibrant show, live stars, magnificent productions and unforgettable stories. Spectators from all over the world come to see these musicals. Their legendary names are heard even by those who are not fond of musical theater. Moreover, many want to visit New York just to see the Broadway show with their own eyes. And this is not surprising, because it was Broadway that became a household name and a dream for millions.
Next, we will talk about how to get tickets for a Broadway show, while decently saving.
Broadway Lotteries
For those who want to attend the Broadway show while saving money, you should pay attention to special lotteries that allow you to win a discount on tickets.
It is worth noting that not all Broadway shows participate in such promotions, and it is unlikely that you will be able to win a ticket to the most popular shows, although such a chance should not be ruled out either. In any case, if you are lucky, you will visit a cult place, while saving up to 50% of the ticket price, or even more - for some shows, lottery tickets cost $10, with the full cost of admission being several hundred dollars.
There are two types of lottery tickets in New York.
One of them is an online digital lottery system that you can access daily through the website or app to be able to buy discounted tickets.
The other is an in-person lottery, where you wait in line at the box office for the specific show you want to see.
Next, we will consider each option in detail.
Online lotteries
Access to digital lotteries is through a website or mobile application, so you will need access to a computer, smartphone or tablet.
Four companies currently own digital lotteries: Broadway Direct, Lucky Seat, Telecharge, and TodayTix. Each lottery is held by each company independently of each other. In addition, not all shows participate in the lottery system, so it’s better to have several show options that interest you.
You can participate in lotteries as many times as you want. But you can only win at one of the shows in the time interval you specify.
On the subject: How to become your own in New York and hunt for tickets to Broadway shows
For example, if you participate in the lottery for Hamilton and Wicked, and both performances take place in one evening, you can win only one of these shows in this time interval.
Nevertheless, you have the right to win tickets to various shows if their time does not coincide: for example, for the morning and evening shows.
Tickets usually cost from $ 30 to $ 49 and vary depending on the show (Hamilton costs only $ 10).
There is no fee for participating in any digital lottery, so the indicated price is equal to the one that you will pay only if you win.
Read more at ForumDaily New York.
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