How to transfer a child to an American school - ForumDaily
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How to transfer a child to an American school


In May 2017, I came to the United States for the first time and won a green card. Now I am creating notes from a wild man who grew up in the center of Europe.

By choosing permanent housing in the US, we monitored the well-being of the area by rating of the schools to which it is attached. On Online, for example, enter the address and get a list of schools with a rating. School rating in most cases affects all areas of life. You can just walk along the street and it will be clear what schools are around here.

In our city there is no rating lower than 9 from 10. This means that on the street you will not find walls painted with vandals and the like.

The second thing I went to the site of a suitable school and learned that it is necessary to make an electronic application. Application to all schools of our city is made on the website Irvine Unified School District (IUSD). There is a questionnaire on many pages, where people are mainly asked about vaccinations, allergies and authorized persons to call in case of accidents.

The school office holidays until 15 August, the beginning of study - 24. No one is in a hurry. Came on Tuesday, the child slowly recorded for the test on Friday. They gave out a green A5 format pass so as not to lose, probably.

What we needed in school:

· Printed application form from IUSD website;

· A green card or document confirming the status of a US resident;

· passport;

· Vaccination sheet;

· Proof of home address.

The vaccination sheets in English are given by the doctor who did the physical on the green card. At school, the original will be copied and returned.

Confirmation of the address, on which it depends, whether they will take you to a particular school, is two public utility bills from two different enterprises, for example, electricity and water.

It should be exactly the ACCOUNT, where the total payable is X bucks, and not the message that the service is connected. If the accounts are electronic, then the company’s website should print the first page of the account, where the name of any parent and home address is written.

My daughter finished school class in Riga 2. There it is typical to go to school in 7 years and learn 12 classes. When I came to the American school, the child was identified in 4 class, because its month and year of birth in the plate of American classes is opposite the fourth.

Photo by the author

We were not given any documents from the Riga school, because they cannot be handed out to parents, according to the instructions, it is necessary to send papers to a new school. A new school child is not interested in the non-American experience. Have you 9 years - go to fourth grade, and all the cases.

In general, I am glad that Fiona will spend at the desk a year less than she could.

The language test itself is very real: listening, reading, writing, speaking - all as in adults. It takes place in a special case IUSD. Future foreign students from all schools of Irvine pass the test in one place - very convenient.

It takes up to 60 minutes for first-graders, and up to 3 hours for others. Fionins of the same age came out after about 40 – 60 minutes, the daughter came out the penultimate and spent there almost 2 hours.

After the test, the result is ready within five to ten minutes, and you get a ticket to the school (they called him that). A ticket is a paper where the language level is written and the school recommended by the teachers who conducted the test.

The ticket must be taken to the school office, where a copy will be added to the student’s personal file, and registration will be completed.

The clerk goes on to talk about where to come on the first day of school, and gives a list of supplies that you need to bring with you right away.

For interest I give a list for the 4 class.

I read that in the USA schoolchildren can choose what to study at school. I wonder what class it all starts with? It turns out that in the fourth one it is already possible to make a choice when it comes to art. The child will study twice a week for 40 minutes for a year. And this is the options from which you can choose, or rather, be sure to choose something.


Thus, I will soon have a master of stringed instruments.

The tool itself can be provided for training free of charge, however, 95% of students take it for rent (as written in the leaflet from the music teacher). Buying “violins” in the first year is not recommended, you know why.

Published with permission Author

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