How to anonymously send a package with a surprise to a foe
Throughout history, our planet has witnessed a number of industrial booms, the latest of which was the robotization of car assembly. It's time for a new boom: startups that allow you to anonymously send stupid pranks to your enemies are at the peak of popularity.
Here are the most popular ones.
You've undoubtedly heard of Ship Your Enemies Glitter, a company that started its existence as a joke, but in the end it was bought for $ 85 000, and now it works as a legitimate shipping company.
Customers can either pay $ 9,99 for sending a regular package with glitter, or $ 19,99 for the absolutely awful “Brilliant Cupcake”, described by the company as follows: “Our special presentation of the cupcake with manure”, sprinkled with glitter, packed in a heart box and packed in toilet paper. No, it is inedible.
ShitExpress is a company that lets you pay with Bitcoin to anonymously send excrement to your enemies. The website states that this is not human feces, but horse feces - “organic, wet feces.” The service will cost $16,95 or 0,05 BTC. After payment, the company will send the package of previously mentioned excrement anywhere in the world.
Services ShitExpress became so popular that the company earned $ 10 thousand per month.
I do not like ShitExpress? Then take a look at Poopsenders, another shipping company.
“We will send your friend or enemy a big bag of the most disgusting, smelly, fresh excrement that you have ever seen,” is written on the company's website. "We have several varieties of feces that we can send."
Among the offers you can find cow dung, elephant dung, gorilla dung or 3,5 liter manure for those you really hate.
Edible penis
Ship the Bag of Dicks - A service that allows you to send a package with sticky penises for $ 12. If you pay another dollar, glitter will be added to the order. You can also pay $ 25 for the delivery of the package “MAGNUM” with the smell.
Similar service Dicks By Mail, started at about the same time. They offer anonymous penis packs for $ 15 dollars, but unfortunately there is no way to add shine.
This delivery service is so specific that it is difficult to believe in its existence.
If you have an enemy who is afraid of clusters of holes, then this is for him. The service will cost you $ 9,9 to send the enemy "5 carefully selected, person-tested tripophobic photos."
The service is provided with the following warning: “WARNING: May cause severe migraines and panic attacks, as well as an increase in heart rate. But we know that you want it. ”
Middle finger
A simple and brilliant idea! Bird by mail allows you to anonymously send a sheet of paper with a middle finger on your hand for $ 5. When folded on a sheet of paper, you can read HI!
Comic candles
WTF Candles offers more traditional pranks. Candles that can be anonymously sent to an enemy or friend smell great first. However, gradually they begin to exude disgusting odors.
Empty parcel
Yes, it also exists, because there is nothing more sad than receiving an empty parcel. You can send your friends both a regular envelope for $ 3.99 and a box for $ 12.99.
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