Pharmaceutical company to pay Oklahoma $ 85 million due to an opioid crisis in the state - ForumDaily
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The pharmaceutical company will pay Oklahoma $ 85 million due to an opioid crisis in the state

Pharmaceutical company Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. agreed to pay 85 millions of dollars to settle the lawsuit filed by the state of Oklahoma, which states that the painkillers produced by it contributed to an opioid crisis in the state and resulted in the death of thousands of residents due to the abuse of such drugs.

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The case was due to go to court in the last week of May, but an agreement was reached on May 26 to pay. The state says Teva and Johnson & Johnson have convinced doctors to prescribe more powerful drugs to treat conditions for which the drugs were not approved. This led to drug addiction and thousands of overdose deaths. Team.

The trial of Johnson & Johnson, which the state has called the "pivot" of the US opioid crisis, is expected to begin on Tuesday, May 28.

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The completion of the settlement is expected within two weeks. The money will be used to "ease the opioid crisis in Oklahoma," said Attorney General Mike Hunter.

Oklahoma demanded at least 10 billion dollars in fines and compensation for damages. The trial will be the first breakdown of legislative influence on the manufacturers and distributors of opioids. At least 42 states and more 1600 municipalities sued companies in the industry for damages of billions of dollars.

The agreement was concluded about two months after Purdue Pharma LP agreed to pay 270 millions of US dollars to settle Oklahoma’s sales of OxyContin, an analgesic drug. The company was in a hurry to make a deal to ease the growing liabilities that led it to bankruptcy. The money was spent on research and treatment.

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Oklahoma officials say Teva and Johnson & Johnson helped create the opioid crisis that killed thousands of the state. In its lawsuit, the state accused the company of inflating pain relief benefits and underreporting risks, creating a "disruptive cycle of over-prescribing" that was "based on addiction and misinformation about the benefits and safety of these drugs."

The publication notes that the Oklahoma agreement with Teva is not an official confirmation of any violations on the part of the company.

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