An 28 woman has lived for years with a lens stuck in her eye and did not know about it - ForumDaily
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28 woman lived for years with a lens stuck in her eye and didn’t know

When a resident of the UK turned to doctors with a complaint about the swelling of the upper left eyelid, she didn’t expect the reason for this to be a contact lens, which she thought fell out and was lost 28 years ago.

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An MRI scan of a mysterious mass under the eyelid indicated a cyst, so doctors decided to operate on the patient. When the cyst was removed, its internal contents burst and revealed an "extremely fragile" contact lens, cracked and damaged in several places, he writes. Team.

At first, the origin of the lens was a mystery to everyone, including the patient. But later, when the question was asked of her mother, it turned out that at the age of 14, the daughter received an occasional kick in the eye while playing badminton. A teenage girl wore hard contact lenses at that time. She decided that the left lens just fell out of the eye as a result of the blow and was lost at the scene. For a time, her eyelid was swollen, but later returned to normal, and the incident was forgotten.

As a result, the woman went down in history as the first patient to have a lens stuck in her eye for such an unimaginably long time. The doctors said they had found similar stories in the past - so-called "lens migration" after injury, but none of them involved such a long period as 28 years.

One thing remains a mystery - the doctors did not understand why exactly 28 years later the patient’s eye became inflamed again, which ultimately led to the discovery and removal of the lens.

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