'From a horror movie': in Mississippi, hunters killed a record-breaking huge alligator
Over the weekend, four hunters killed the largest alligator in Mississippi history - weighing 362 kg and more than 4 meters long, reports New York Post.
The girth of the alligator's belly was 167 cm, state wildlife officials said.
The “horror movie” animal was fished out of the Yazoo River on August 26, the second day of Mississippi alligator hunting season.
Don Woods, one of the four people who killed the alligator, said that he and his companions - all experienced alligator hunters - spotted the giant reptile in the river shortly after they went hunting by boat around 9 p.m.
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“We knew he was big,” Woods said. — His back was huge. It was like we were chasing a ship.”
What the hunters didn't know was that it would take them seven "mentally exhausting" hours to get the toothy monster onto their boat.
“We hooked him up eight or nine times and he kept going off,” Woods said.
Woods said that the alligator broke almost all of their rods and reels before finally exhausting itself after a night of wild attempts to escape.
“It was tiring, the adrenaline goes off and you don't notice it,” Woods said.
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The hunters finally got the better of the giant reptile around 4 am, but even then they didn't fully realize how big the alligator was.
“We just knew we had a big gator,” Woods said. “We were just amazed at how wide his back was and how big his head was.” It was honestly surreal.”
The previous record for the largest alligator caught in Mississippi was a 4,2m long, 347kg specimen caught in 2017.
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