$4500 worth of branded bags stolen from Delta passenger's luggage - ForumDaily
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$4500 worth of designer bags stolen from Delta passenger's luggage

Atlanta resident Alison Joyner got some bad news on Christmas Day when she flew to the Bahamas with her family. She discovered that two designer handbags worth $4500 were missing from her checked luggage, reports Fox News.

Delta Air Lines Airbus A350-900 (N512DN) passenger plane

Photo: iStock.com/viper-zero

The woman was flying on Delta Air Lines. While unpacking her belongings at the hotel, she noticed that they were crumpled and upside down, and that her blue Chanel handbag and Louis Vuitton clutch were missing.

"My privacy was violated," Joyner said. "Why would someone do that? Why me?"

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According to the report, the passenger placed an Apple AirTag tracker in her Chanel bag before the flight. After checking its location, she discovered that her designer accessory was located 30 miles south of Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.

"I decided to check my gadget," Joyner said. "It showed a place on the map in Senoa, Georgia, where I'd never been."

Alison, a Delta Platinum SkyMiles Medallion member, immediately reported her missing to the airline. She found it hard to believe, as she had many positive experiences flying Delta.

The airline made a statement on a local TV station:

"Though extremely rare, these incidents do occur. Delta does not tolerate theft from baggage and will investigate the incident. We will contact the customer to resolve the issue."

The Atlanta Police Department confirmed it is investigating the theft reported by Joyner.

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Thefts from checked baggage occur regularly. In 2005, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security reported that dozens of TSA employees had been fired at major airports for stealing valuables from luggage. (TSA is the Transportation Security Administration. The agency is responsible for ensuring the vital interests of passengers are protected from internal and external threats, or the ability of an object, phenomenon, or process to survive disruptive effects in transportation, especially in the airline industry. It was created after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, to prevent security threats to the transportation system, including airports and train stations. – Approx. Ed.)

This incident once again reminds us of the need to take precautions when traveling. It is better to carry valuables in hand luggage and use trackers (such as AirTag) to track your luggage.

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