Ivanka Trump accused of using personal mail at work: what awaits her - ForumDaily
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Ivanka Trump accused of using personal mail at work: what awaits her

Ivanka Trump, the daughter of the president and chief adviser to the White House, sent hundreds of letters about government business from her personal email account last year, reports The Washington Post.

The letters were sent to White House assistants, cabinet members and Ivanka Trump's assistants, many of whom broke public record rules, the document says. President Donald Trump ruthlessly criticized of her rival Democrat Hillary Clinton, because she did the same as the Secretary of State. He called her "dishonest Hillary" and said that she should be in prison.

The White House did not immediately respond to questions about the use of e-mail, but the representative of Ivanka Trump's lawyer, Abbe Lowell, did not contest the report.

“During the transition period, when she became part of the government, [Ivanka] Trump sometimes used a personal account, and almost always it was about organizational issues and scheduling regarding her family,” said attorney representative Peter Miridzhanyan.

Mirizhanyan stressed that secret information was not transmitted in the messages, all emails were saved in accordance with the laws on records.

"When the issues were highlighted in the press 14 months ago, Trump reviewed and verified her email usage with White House counsel and explained it to congressional leaders," he said.

The discovery was made after the public records of the liberal control group over American supervision. Group executive director Austin Evers said in a statement that “the president’s family is not above the law,” and called on Congress to investigate.

“For more than two years, President Trump and senior congressional leaders have made it clear that they view the use of personal email servers by the government as a serious crime requiring investigation and even prosecution, and we expect the same standard to be applied in in this case,” he said.

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