Stories of people who have experienced several emigration - ForumDaily
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Stories of people who have experienced several emigration

For what reason, having experienced one emigration, can a person decide on a second, and, in some cases, a third? There are many stories of moving in with relatives, a future (or current) husband, a scientific and teaching career, working in Silicon Valley on a contract or a “gifted visa.” ForumDaily collected 3 stories. Quite ordinary, but nonetheless unique.




Roman and his wife moved to Florence from Tyumen in the middle of the 90's. Romin grandfather was a shift worker, his father was a shift worker, and Roma himself also managed to stay a shift worker. When they arrived in Italy, they had a fortune in their pockets (by the standards of almost any country). The father of his wife, Romin, took them in Italy.

Quickly enough they managed to open a chain of restaurants there, the network worked and brought good money. Romina's wife perfectly managed network management and two children. The children went to school and apparently everything looked pretty good.

Until then, at some point, Roman did not catch his wife with her lover.

For beating his lover, our lyrical hero with a trivial Siberian mentality got 3 of the year. For these 3 of the year, the spouse divorced him safely, having reformed the network for personal use and pledging to pay certain deductions from the income since the ex-husband’s prison term.

Actually, Roma is now in New York for living on deductions, because getting on the plane on the first flight was his instant decision at the time when he got out of prison, came to his own restaurant, saw the same friend there wife and spontaneously nakostilyal him about as much as last time.

And now - the strangest part of the story. His relationship with his ex-wife remained surprisingly good. From time to time she sends money, although she is not legally obliged to do this, since the former co-owner is, as it were, on the run. They call regularly on weekends; Illegal immigrant Roma spends his working days on an interior designer’s team—essentially the same construction project, but a slightly lighter version.

Photos from personal archive

Photos from personal archive

In the States, Roman can be legalized, at this stage, only through remarriage, while immigration officers are guaranteed to have questions about his prison sentence. As an Italian, he will most likely be denied political asylum, and he knows this very well. I think everyone guesses what his possible deportation to Italy will lead to. He himself believes that if the clouds begin to thicken even more closely, he will always be able to return to Russia.


Olga also had several emigrations in her life. First, Olga and her parents went to Germany under Helmut Kohl’s program for Jews. “I was a fairly young creature then, and I don’t really remember the beginning. I only remember some kind of hostel where my parents and I lived for the first time,” Olga recalls. “My parents remember these times with sadness, but I had a good time both in the hostel and in the German courses.”

Just then it turned out that I like girls more than boys. Parents at first did not know anything. I think their shock was pretty strong.

I informed them many years later, I lived with my girlfriend in Munich and told them that I just live with a girl-roommate, I rent an apartment. For a while it rolled over, then pressure started about “getting married, having children”.

Olga recalls that when they began to put pressure on her, she told the truth and for a long time ruined her relationship with her parents. But met on the international website for girls with Taylor.

Olga came to the USA as a bride - the bride of the girl Taylor.

“A year and a half ago we got married here in the USA,” says Olga. — I work as an administrator for a group of translators at a television studio. We provide voice-over services for conferences, negotiations, and meetings of all kinds. My parents still don’t know that I’m married to a woman. They think I moved on a work visa and am now living in New York alone. Ha, I would never have gotten a work visa without moving! It works a little differently here.”


In 2010, this story had every chance of becoming sensational, but alas. And no one will know whether it is good or bad that she did not become one.

Israeli boys and girls often go on vacation abroad after serving in the army. And no less often this “abroad” is India. In the Israeli army, India is a fashionable country, at least for post-military relaxation. And so, two freshly served friends, both children of Russian repatriates, Asaf (Sasha) and Oleg, who had recently arrived in Israel with their parents, happily went to see the ancient temples, the odious Ganges River and other attractions.

But it wasn’t the end of them. The fact of the matter is that the guys, for some reason that was completely unclear to the average man, packed their army backpacks. Well, you take a suitcase on wheels. There and things fit more. However, whether for practical reasons, or from piety for the alma mater, the boys simply repacked the backpacks with which 3 of the year served.

Here we need to make a lyrical legal digression. The fact is that soldiers in Israel are not only not punished for carrying weapons, they... They are not punished. They will be imprisoned if any military equipment is lost. And with machine guns, they can easily travel in public transport, relax in cafes, and eat in snack bars. This has not shocked anyone in Israel for a long time. Now, if they lose the machine gun, then yes, it’s a lost cause: 5 years out of the woods.

In India, legislation is a little different. For the transportation of any type of weapon to the captured, it is necessary from 5 to 15 years of imprisonment.

At the beginning of the 2000s, India occupied one of the first places in the arms trade in terms of what measures could be taken—and they did. And in one of the long-suffering backpacks, Indian customs officers found several cartridges forgotten there.

Now it’s too late to ask rhetorical questions: “Where did they look in Ben-Gurion?”, “Why didn’t they prepare and at least wash their backpacks in a washing machine, the noise would be such that everyone would understand everything at once?”, “But how in general?” Can I forget the cartridges in my backpack?” There are millions of situations where people cut corners on little things.

In India, Russian tourists were repeatedly detained with hunting cartridges, Estonians with gas pistols, and Ukrainians (who, it is true, actually carried a large batch of arms smuggling).

Just as at Ben Gurion Airport they know how to find things in passengers’ luggage that they cannot fly with, no other airport in the world knows how. But for some reason they missed it.

After being taken into custody, interrogation and trial, Asaf sat on an 6 years in an Indian prison. His parents tried to turn to the Israeli authorities, those, in turn, to the Indian authorities, the Indians logically argued the existing legislation. It was impossible to do anything.

For the sake of fairness, it must be said that from 2010 to 2017 several more cases of detention of Israeli soldiers at Mumbai airport with weapons occurred. More recently, in January 2017, an Israeli woman was detained by border controls at the same airport, in whose baggage cartridges from an M-16 rifle were found, forgotten there after serving in the IDF. Thanks to the rapid intervention of the Israeli consul in Mumbai Galit Laroche Falah, the girl was promptly released.

But 7 years ago it turned out differently. One of the guys was sent to serve his sentence, and the second, Oleg, remained in India forever. Well, that is, for now - forever. He decided that his further joyful journey or return would be a betrayal of his more unfortunate friend.

Lives in the state of Goa, gives tours in English, buys scraps of leather and stones from which he sews designer bags (as a kind of dedication to the ill-fated backpack). I have never seen my friend - apparently, recently released.

In general, he became (I do not know if he was) extremely taciturn, rarely gives information about himself and in small portions, and he was indifferently and philosophically to “write about him”.

“Being a white person in India is a rather difficult experience,” says Oleg. “It’s a mixture of fun and responsibility.” In some parts of India, physically touching a white person is considered a good omen. The one who succeeds is supposedly endowed with health, wealth and good luck. Can you imagine how I felt when a whole crowd of people groped me on the street at once? In Israel there is a proverb “guf sheli ze rak sheli” (my body is only mine), they still try not to violate other people’s borders. The first time was unusual. Then I waved my hand. This country fully deserves to come to terms with some of its traditions that seem strange to you.”

Donna Tartt in the “Goldfinch” novel, which won the Pulitzer Prize, had a phrase that happiness often comes into our lives through the back door. I would probably add: “sometimes through someone else’s back door too”.

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