An immigrant who went to death row by mistake wants to be deported from the US - - ForumDaily
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An immigrant who was put on death row by mistake wants to be deported from the United States -

Illegal spent 10 years on death row for double murder, which he did not commit, was released, but could still face deportation.

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38-year-old Aguirre-Yarkin from Altamante Springs spent 14 years behind bars. He was charged with the murder of former neighbors, 47-year-old Cheryl Williams and her mother, 68-year-old Carol Bareys.

Aguirre-Yarkvin discovered their bodies in the trailer of the dead when he came to them for a beer. The man did not report this to the police, fearing that he would be deported because of his illegal status.

Clothing soaked in the victims' blood was found in a bag in Aguirre's trailer, where he lived next door. The knife used to kill the women was found between two houses and matched a knife missing from the restaurant where Aguirre worked. Cheryl Williams was stabbed 127 times. Barey - twice.

Aguirre, who is now 38 years old, said that he raised the knife in the trailer, thinking that the killer could still be inside, and then threw it outside between the trailers.

After his arrest in 2004, the Florida authorities stated that they had important evidence pointing to Aguirre-Yarkvin's guilt: blood-soaked clothes, his bloody marks on the scene and a connection with the murder weapon.

Aguirre-Yarkvin’s lawyers successfully protested the bloodstained clothes in court, pointing out that the man was testing the victims ’breath to help them. But then he could not request DNA tests of blood found at the crime scene.

The court found Aguirre-Yarkvin guilty of 2006.

Aguirre-Yarquina's lawyer did not stop working on this case and began to find more and more evidence that pointed to the guilt of a completely different person - Samantha Williams, the daughter and granddaughter of the victims. Moreover, she repeatedly told at least four witnesses that she killed her mother and the demons in her head forced her to do it.

One of the neighbors in 2010, testified that Williams told him: "I'm crazy, angry and I killed my mother and grandmother." This happened after a neighbor told her to stop drinking alcohol from a bottle on a barbecue. Two other neighbors also admitted that she threatened to kill the mother during an argument with her.

But even after this evidence emerged, Florida State prosecutors said they would continue to seek the death penalty for Aguirre-Yarkvin.

All changed the DNA test of blood, which was found at the crime scene. She belonged to Samantha, who claimed that she had not seen her mother and grandmother, and spent the night with a guy. Despite this, Samantha refused to confess in court that she had killed relatives.

The lawyer nevertheless achieved the release of his client in the courtroom.

“I thank you from the bottom of my heart,” said the falsely accused in the court of Seminol County. "I forgive with all my heart those who did wrong with me."

After the trial, Aguirre-Yarkvin was transferred to the Immigration and Customs Service, where his lawyers were bothering to release him. On the same day he was released.

However, the immigrant's problems did not end there. There is still the threat of the deportation of Aguirre Yarquín, although his lawyers said they would apply for asylum.

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