ICE detains citizens of Ukraine and Belarus during raid - ForumDaily
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ICE detains citizens of Ukraine and Belarus during raid

ICE agents arrested 30 immigrant criminals and simply violators of immigration law in six states in the Midwest during an 364-day operation, according to department site.


The arrests took place in the following states: Illinois (134), Indiana (52), Kansas (43), Kentucky (60), Missouri (42) and Wisconsin (33). Of the 364 arrested, 187 people had criminal charges.

Among those arrested were 18 women and 346 men from the following countries: Belarus (1), Bosnia and Herzegovina (1), Burma (1), Colombia (1), Czech Republic (2), Dominican Republic (1), Ecuador (2) , 1), Guinea (1), Haiti (1), Honduras (40), India (6), Jordan (1), Lithuania (1), Mexico (236) (1), Nicaragua (1), Nigeria (3) ), Peru (2), Poland (1), Romania (1), Saudi Arabia (1) and Ukraine (2).

More than half of the foreigners arrested by ICE officers during this operation had preliminary criminal histories, including convictions for the following crimes: assault, attempted murder, burglary, child neglect, sexual exploitation of children, domestic violence, driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, drug possession, drug trafficking, fraud, theft and escape, identity theft, illegal return after deportation, money laundering, obstruction of justice, obstruction of the police, prostitution, perjury, rape, sexual assault, theft, breaking the rules and crimes related to weapons,

A foreigner who returns to the United States after he was previously deported commits a criminal offense. If the court finds the person guilty, he faces up to 20 years in prison in federal prison.

Some people arrested during this operation may be subject to federal prosecution for illegal return after deportation. For those arrested who are not subject to federal prosecution, the process of expulsion from the United States will begin. Those who already have a deportation order will be expelled from the country immediately, and others will be tried.

The ICE stressed that the reluctance of some local authorities to cooperate with them in immigration processes does not affect their efforts to bring illegal immigrants to justice, and raids in different regions of the United States take place almost daily.

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