ICE can not deport an illegal who beat his wife - ForumDaily
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ICE cannot deport illegal immigrants

An Ecuadorian pizza delivery man detained at a military base more than a month ago this year is under arrest in Long Island and is accused of having pushed his wife to the wall and hit her, writes ABC News.

Photo: GoFundMe

Illegal immigrant Pablo Villavicencio was arrested 1 June during the delivery of pizza at the military base of Fort Hamilton in Brooklyn. To enter the base, the pizza delivery man was asked to submit an ID, which he did not have, so Vilyavicencio agreed to check his data.

Finding out that the man is in the US illegally, the military detained him, and then handed him over to the immigration authorities. He was just in the process of obtaining legal status after he had violated the deportation order in 2010.

Pablo illegally arrived in the country in 2008 year, but married a US citizen. Their two young daughters are also US citizens.

Governor Andrew Cuomo in a letter asked The Department of Homeland Security will release Villavicinsio "from detention on immigration and customs services" (ICE). "

“Accelerated deportation of Villavicencio does not pursue any legitimate goals of public safety, and the circumstances leading to his arrest and detention raise serious legal and political issues that require proper investigation and adjudication,” said Cuomo. The governor added that Villavicencio is a taxpayer who has been living in New York for more than 10 years.

The Villavicencio case caught the attention of New York activists, including the Immigration Coalition in New York and Make the Road New York, a political group advocating immigration issues.

Now, Villavicencio is accused of beating his wife in a house in Hempstead last Thursday. During a quarrel, he kicked her against a wall and hit her. Then he took his wife's phone so that she would not call the police.

Wife sued. Villavichencio pledged $ 500. He is charged with a fourth-degree crime.

His wife, Sandra Chika, all this time sitting next to him. It is still unclear what caused the dispute between the spouses, but the trial may entail a new round of deportation.

“Even with these criminal charges, ICE will not detain him while he has a pending immigration application,” Immigration and Customs Enforcement said in a statement.

Vilyavitsencio's lawyer, Bruce Barket, said the case against him was “weak.”

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