How forest fires are extinguished: the main task is not to extinguish the fire, but to limit its spread - ForumDaily
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How forest fires are extinguished: the main task is not to extinguish the fire, but to limit its progress

Dangerous fires continue to rage in the Los Angeles area, where firefighters are battling high winds to stop the blazes from spreading out of control. What does it mean to "contain" a fire, explains NBC News.

Photo: Arisha Singh |

Containment does not mean completely extinguishing the fire. It is about creating a perimeter around the active fire sources, preventing further spread of the flames.

Firefighters try to suppress the fire using 'contour lines'» around it. This involves using roads, highways, or natural barriers such as rivers and bodies of water to surround the flames and stop them from spreading.

Contour lines can be constructed manually, for example by digging wide trenches around the fire or by removing vegetation and other flammable materials from nearby.

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Containment levels for fires are usually expressed as percentages. The largest fire in the greater Los Angeles area is the Palisades Fire. It started nearly a week ago in the Pacific Palisades and Malibu areas. The fire has burned more than 23 acres and was 000% contained as of January 13, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire). That means firefighters have established contour lines around 14% of its perimeter.

The Eaton Fire, which has burned more than 14 acres in Altadena and Pasadena, is 000% contained, and the Hurst Fire, which has burned about 33 acres in the Sylmar area, is 800% contained, according to Cal Fire.

While containment levels are a good indicator of how well firefighters are doing, the situation can change as fires evolve or weather conditions change.

In Southern California, for example, Santa Ana winds are forecast to create critical fire conditions in Los Angeles and Ventura counties over the next three days. Dry, windy conditions are conducive to the expansion of existing fires and the rapid spread of new ones.

Even fully contained fires can continue to burn. However, the key strategy is to eliminate the threat of fire spreading across contour lines.

Meanwhile, around the fire element in KCalifornia continues to be the site of political speculation, with Donald Trump Jr. recently criticizing the Los Angeles County Fire Department for sending “excess” equipment to Ukraine in 2022.

"Oh, of course, the LA Fire Department donated a bunch of their equipment to Ukraine," Trump Jr. wrote.

Volodymyr Zelensky said he may send Ukrainian firefighters to help fight the wildfires raging in California, USA Today reports. In a video address on January 12, the Ukrainian president said he had instructed the Ukrainian interior minister and diplomats to "prepare for the possible participation of our rescuers in fighting the wildfires in California." According to him, 150 Ukrainian specialists are already ready to help.

“The situation there is extremely difficult, and Ukrainians can help Americans protect the lives of their compatriots,” Zelensky said.

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At one time, the Los Angeles Fire Department did indeed donate surplus hoses, nozzles, protective clothing, helmets, body armor, and other “personal protective equipment” to Ukraine.

“The Ukrainian firefighters continue to work in extreme danger, and we felt the need to do something to help,” then-Los Angeles County Fire Chief Darryl L. Osby said in 2022. It was the first time the department had donated equipment to the military, he said. Osby has since retired, and the department is headed by Christine Crowley, the first woman to hold that position.

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