How to Spend Your Weekends to Be Happy and Rested: Most of Us Do It Wrong
Many of us spend our weekends incorrectly. Instead of a full rest, most of us often devote this time to household chores, work or other routine matters. As a result, by Monday we are so exhausted as if there was no weekend at all. The publication writes about what a full weekend should be like Cursor Info.
In her book Happy Hour and podcast Every Day Better with Leah Smart, happiness researcher Cassie Holmes shares simple tips to help you make the most of your weekends and become happier.
Why You Should Treat Your Weekends Like a Vacation
The key, Holmes says, is to change your approach. Treating your weekends as a mini-vacation can help you escape the mundane and recharge your batteries.
"We are used to perceiving holidays as a break from everyday life, while weekends are considered part of the routine. However, changing our attitude towards them will bring more joy and awareness of the moment," she emphasized.
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An experiment that proved the power of rebooting
In 2017, Holmes conducted an experiment with more than 400 working Americans. One group was instructed to spend the weekend as if on vacation, while the other group was instructed to do their usual activities. The results were revealing: The participants in the first group were happier and more positive when they returned to work.
"These people spent much less time on routine, more time relaxing, enjoying good food and spending time with loved ones. The main difference was that they were focused on the present moment," Holmes noted.
How to spend your weekend usefully
The researcher recommends making time for activities that bring pleasure and help you relax. Here are some ideas:
- visit a park, zoo or nature reserve;
- go to a new restaurant or cultural event;
- take a day to take care of yourself, say, go to a spa;
- If you can't do without things to do, add some fun moments to them: listen to music, enjoy podcasts, or reward yourself with a delicious cocktail.
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Why is it important
According to Holmes, these "vacation" weekends help relieve stress and prepare for the work week. Successful people often use this method to increase productivity and improve their mood on Monday.
"Even a short mental break makes you more focused and happier. It's an investment in your well-being," the happiness researcher concluded.
Conclusion: weekends are not just a time to relax, but an opportunity to reboot if you spend them consciously.
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