Scientists have found a way to find out how long a person has left to live: you need to hang on a crossbar - ForumDaily
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Scientists have found a way to find out how long a person has left to live: you need to hang on a crossbar

It turns out that hanging from a bar is one of the best tests of longevity. The amount of time you can hang is an excellent indicator of your overall health, writes upworthy.

Photo: Vladimir Akin`shin |

Science has not yet found an accurate way to determine the average life expectancy of a person. However, some indicators can signal quite accurately whether there is a danger that life will be too short, and deterioration in health will be to blame.

A study published by Clinical Interventions in Aging in 2019 found that handgrip strength can be a reliable indicator of how long a person has to live. One of the best ways to evaluate your hand grip strength is to time how long you can hang from a bar. To test your grip strength, find yourself a pull-up bar at the gym or local park, take a deep breath and hang from it.

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The study found that 30 seconds is good for women, while 60 is excellent for men. So if you exceed this goal, you can expect to live a long life. But if you fail to do this, your life may be shorter than you would like.

Dr. Peter Attia believes that grip strength is a fairly accurate way to determine your overall health.

“It’s a great indicator of overall body strength and muscle mass,” he said. — That is, the state of the upper half of your body is reflected in your hands. And if your grip is weak, then everything below that is likely weak too. When you look at someone with a weak grip doing a deadlift, it’s very difficult for them to do the exercise.”

Drs. Eve M. Glaser and Elizabeth Ko of UCLA Health say poor grip strength is associated with numerous health conditions.

“Research continues to link decreased grip strength to a number of adverse health problems, including heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer. In addition, they found that such a score can predict the likelihood of postoperative complications, postoperative recovery time, and mortality,” they wrote in the UCLA Health blog.

Weight can also significantly influence how long a person can hang from the bar. Don't lighter people have an unfair advantage over heavier ones?

A study published in Aging Cell found a direct link between increased body weight and decreased life expectancy.

The good news for people who haven't met their hang time goal is that you can improve it by practicing dead hangs.

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How to do dead hangs (according to Healthline):

  • Use a secure crossbar. Use a step or bench to easily reach the bar with your hands.
  • Grab the bar with an overhand grip (palms facing away from you). Try to keep your hands shoulder-width apart.
  • Take your feet off the step or bench so you can hold onto the bar.
  • Keep your arms straight and relaxed.
  • If you are new to this exercise, hang for 10 seconds. Then gradually increase the time to 45 seconds or 1 minute at a time.
  • Slowly return to the step or bench before releasing your hands. Repeat up to 3 times.

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