Hot springs in California: where to relax with health benefits
Summer is already behind us, but winter is no reason to stay at home. Southern California has plenty of delightful places to stay or getaway for the weekend, including this quaint and charming inn located in the SoCal desert that is one of the local gems. The publication told more about the hotel Only in Your State.
Hope Springs Resort is located at 68075 Club Cir Dr, Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240.
Its atmosphere and simplicity are undeniable. You won't find a sultry resort in Hope Springs. Instead, you will be greeted by a tranquil place to sleep where you can truly relax.
Just a two-hour drive from Los Angeles, you'll forget about the hustle and bustle of the big city and be immersed in a tranquil environment surrounded by palm trees.
What makes this humble gem so appealing is the natural hot spring that flows through the hotel's pools.
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With three different pools on site, you have plenty to choose from when you want to soak up the natural hot springs.
In the evening before nightfall, you can enjoy the changing scenery of the day at Hope Springs Resort.
And nothing here beats the sunset. Vibrant pinks and purples color the sky that envelops this quiet hotel as the sun sets.
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Want to know more about this resort with its own hot mineral spring? Be sure to go to the official website for linkfor more information.
When visiting Hope Springs Resort, be sure to set aside plenty of time to visit nearby Palm Springs and Joshua Tree. These will be great day trips.
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