Ten air routes that most often experience severe turbulence - ForumDaily
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Ten air routes that are most likely to experience severe turbulence

Turbulence on board an airplane can be very dangerous. For example, recently on a flight from London to Singapore, one passenger died and dozens were injured. Turbli, a website that tracks turbulence, analyzed weather data and identified the world's most turbulent routes over the past year, the site writes. Quartz.

Photo: IStock

The site compiled the route list based on the average eddy dissipation rate (EDR), which measures how quickly disturbances in the atmosphere return to normal. Thus, EDR 15 is considered "light" and EDR 45 is considered "strong", although large aircraft are less susceptible to turbulence at high EDR. Thus, if a route has an average EDR of 15, passengers should expect noticeable shaking. All routes included in the list pass over or near mountain ranges.

Which world routes are the most turbulent?

On the subject: What is turbulence and why does it happen: over the past 40 years, problems due to it have increased

  • The route from Milan Malpensa Airport in Italy to Zurich Airport in Switzerland is 203 km long and has an average EDR of 16. This route passes over the Italian and Swiss Alps.
  • The 561 km route from Xi'an Xianyang International Airport in China to Chongqing Jiangbei International Airport in China also has a vortex dissipation index of 16, but passes over the Qinling Mountains.
  • The 624 km route from Xi'an Xianyang International Airport in China to Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport in China has an EDR of 16,3. It also lies above the Qinling Mountains.
  • The 655 km route from Kansai International Airport in Japan to Sendai Airport in Japan also has an EDR of 16,3. It passes over the Japanese Alps (a mountain range in the central part of the island of Honshu).
  • The 214 km route from Milan Malpensa Airport in Italy to Geneva International Airport in Switzerland has an EDR of 16,4. This path is laid over the Italian and Swiss Alps.
  • The 519 km route from Lanzhou Zhongchuan International Airport in China to Xi'an Xianyang International Airport in China has an EDR of 16,3 and passes over the Qinling Mountains.
  • The 517 km route from Chubu Chubu International Airport in Japan to Sendai Airport in Japan has an EDR of 16,6 and passes over the Japanese Alps.

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  • The 661 km route from Lanzhou Zhongchuan International Airport in China to Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport in China has an EDR of 16,8. This path passes over the Qinling Mountains.
  • The 210 km route from Almaty International Airport in Kazakhstan to Manas International Airport in Kyrgyzstan has an EDR of 17,5 and is located next to the Alatau Ranges.
  • The 1,905 km route from Arturo Merino Benitez International Airport in Chile to Viru Viru International Airport in Bolivia has an average EDR of 17,6 and passes over the Andes Mountains.

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