Main Events 2016 of the Year - ForumDaily
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The main events of 2016 of the year


It was a year full of unexpected news. The unexpected outcome of the presidential race in the United States, the tragic events where they were least expected, technically novelties, the reality of which is still difficult to believe. At the end of the outgoing year, ForumDaily gathered the main events of 2016: politics, sports, high technologies, Russia, the USA, Europe. These are the events that have changed our life in 2016.

The crash of the Tu-154 near Sochi

On the night of December 25, immediately after departure from Adler Airport, the Tu-154 crashed into the Black Sea. It was the plane of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. He flew from Moscow through Sochi to Syria. There were 92 people on board. All died. The catastrophe shocked the whole of Russia. Killed 64 artiste the famous Alexandrov Ensemble. It was this choir and orchestra that sang at all the Victory Parades on Red Square. Died Elizaveta Glinka, famous philanthropist. It was with her help that the first hospices appeared in Moscow and Kyiv; she helped children affected by forest fires in the center of Russia, floods in Krymsk, during the war in Donbass and Syria. Nine journalists from the Russian federal television channels NTV, Zvezda and Channel One were also killed. For the Russian media sphere, what happened also became a dark day. The investigation into the plane crash continues.

Trump is the new president

One of the most controversial and intriguing election campaigns. Until the last moment, opinion polls predicted a landslide victory for Hillary Clinton. But on the night after the elections it became clear - new president becomes Donald Trump. Then there were protests on the streets of the country's largest cities - they no longer affected the situation. The Electoral College is finally official at the end of December. elected Trump's new president. True, radicalism in his rhetoric has become less Trump even made concessions to Obama and agreed to think about preserving the health insurance system.

Photo: Depositphoto

Фото: Depositphotos

Terrorist attacks in Orlando, Berlin, Nice, Brussels

Terrorists this year beat in the heart. To those cities that always seemed safe. They were away from hot spots. It seemed that nothing like this could ever happen there. That is why every terrorist attack became a shock for the whole world.

22 March in Brussels explosions thundered at the airport and at the Malbeek metro station. 26 people were killed, about 200 were injured. Panic began in the city, public transport was stopped, and the authorities declared the highest level of danger.

On the night of June 12 29-year-old Omar Matin started shootingl in a night gay club in Orlando, Florida. Then he took hostages: 49 people killed, 53 injured.

A month later - July 14, the national holiday Bastille Day, a native of Tunisia on a multi-ton truck crashed into a crowd of people on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice. 86 people died, 308 injured, among them citizens of 30 states, including Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan.

Six months later - similar terrorist attack in Berlin. A truck rams a Christmas market in the city center. 12 dead. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for all these attacks.

The release of the flagship smartphone Samsung Galaxy Note 7 turned into a collapse

Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Note 7 in August. Then the smartphone was called one of the best Android phones. He was supposed to be Apple's main iPhone 7 competitor. But soon the triumph turned scandal: The company began receiving massive complaints about battery malfunctions - some of them overheated, smoked and exploded. In the fall the decision was made completely cease production of smartphones of this model. And in December, the company released an update that forcibly disconnected the phone.

Facebook bought Belarusian startup MSQRD

Double unexpected success of developers from Belarus. application MSQRDwhich allows real-time live filtering of selfies (including videos) successfully Sold Facebook companies. The number of downloads of the application for the first month has exceeded 16 millions. He was chosen by such stars as Snoop Dogg, Zach Braff and Leonardo DiCaprio. True, after buying Facebook, I made the developers adjust the application and remove from the filter mask of Barack Obama.

Britain voted to leave the European Union. But it never came out

An event that was not believed until the last moment. Residents of Britain in June voted in a referendum for secession from the European Union. Stock markets in a panic. Premier David Cameron resigned. But no further steps have yet been taken by the country's government. Meanwhile, many, especially in the USA, have found a mass positive moments from the exit of Britain from the EU.

Rio Summer Olympics

The first Olympic Games in South America. Until the last moment, skeptics doubted: they said that Brazil was not ready, showed that the slums of poor regions surrounded the colorful picture of the Olympic stadiums. Be that as it may, the Olympics took place. Not without scandal: before the Games not allowed a team of Russian athletes because of the doping scandal. In the team event Russia took 4 place. First place took US team.

Alexey Ulyukaev's arrest

High-ranking officials in Russia are detained regularly, but for the first time in modern history, the incumbent minister of the federal government was behind bars. Alexey Ulyukaev, Minister of Economic Development, was detained on the night of November 15 on suspicion of receiving a bribe of $2 million. Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin called the criminal case a “sad event,” the president immediately dismissed Ulyukaev, and he was placed under house arrest for 2 months. Many experts called the criminal case against Ulyukaev strange, due to the fact that the amount of the alleged bribe was relatively small for such a high level.

Pokemon hunt

In 2016, the world remembered again pokemon. Characters from the 1990s have once again captured the minds of millions. But now new ones are in use Technology. To catch Pokemon, you need to leave the house with a smartphone in your hands. Not only teenagers, but also serious businessmen became interested in the game - job advertisement sites appeared with offers for those who would earn points in the game for money. Due to the popularity of the game Pokemon GO The market value of the Japanese company Nintendo, which released the application, exceeded $ 42 billion. At the same time, Nintendo overtook the market capitalization of Sony, one of the largest manufacturers in the world, whose market value was about $ 38 billion.


Driverless robot cars on city streets are already a reality in 2016. In December Uber объявил about the launch of an unmanned taxi in San Francisco. True, the service lasted for several hours - the automobile inspectorate required a special permit. However, in several states - including Florida and Michigan - the introduction of drones is full swing.

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