Where in the USA to look for work in 2021 and what profession to choose
The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the popularity of small cities in the United States - residents of large and expensive cities have moved en masse to cheaper places. Some because they were allowed to work remotely and wanted to save on rent, and others because they lost their jobs and wanted to stretch their savings out longer. For some, the reason was a safety issue - in a small town the chance of contracting coronavirus is much lower, because there are no crowds on the streets, in parks and public buildings.
Where to look for work in America
Now the US labor market is gradually recovering, but the trend of popularity of small towns is not weakening. This is confirmed by the recently published edition SmartAsset ranking of US cities with the best job opportunities in 2021. The rating was based on such criteria as the unemployment rate (on average in the USA it is more than 10%, and in the cities included in the rating it is no more than 5%); employment growth over the past year; income growth with age and career advancement; The rating also took into account the number of employment consultants and the cost of renting housing in the region.
Four cities in the state of New York hit the top ten at once: Rochester (3rd place), Binghamton (6th place), Syracuse (7th) and region Buffalo - Cheektowaga - Niagara Falls (10th place). Now this state can be called the leader in career opportunities in America. The full rating can be viewed here:.
At the same time, there are professions in America that are in demand, regardless of the season and region. People of some specialties are constantly needed both in huge metropolitan areas and in small towns.
Who is profitable to work in America
So who benefits from working in America? And here the answer was also suggested by the pandemic - in the United States there is a shortage of medical workers; in addition, the previously existing trend for disinfection and sterilization is gaining popularity.
All of this has led to a surge in demand for the Sterile Processing Technician profession. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that by 2026 the number of jobs for medical instrument sterilization specialists will increase by 14% (well above the average growth rate of the US labor market of 3,7% in 10 years). Now such specialists are paid $ 22-26 per hour from the start (depending on the state) or before $ 57 thousand per year the average for the United States. In addition, there is a prospect in a few years to grow to a supervisor and receive up to $ 80 thousand a year or to a manager of the sterilization department of a hospital, whose salary exceeds $ 100 thousand a year.
Another good news is that you can master this specialty in just a few months. New York School Multyprep offers a relevant course and has already helped many immigrants to acquire the profession and find work as a Sterile Technician in the United States.
Medical Instrument Sterilization Specialist Course in Multyprep lasts 6 or 8 weeks, during which students take 120 hours of theoretical classes.
If you can only study on weekends, then the training will last 8 weeks, and if you allocate time for study on weekdays (on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays), then you can take the course in 6 weeks.
For those who cannot yet absorb new information in English or are not confident in their abilities, but do not want to postpone the opportunity to get a profession in demand in America, Multyprep has a Sterile Processing Technician course in Russian. The school even has teaching materials in Russian. At the same time, all the main professional terms in the Russian-language course are still voiced by the teacher in English, so that each student can then understand and correctly answer the questions of the certification test. For details, call Multyprep at 917-945-9506 or write: [email protected]
Upcoming courses:
19 October the course in Russian starts. Students will study on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 to 5 for 2 months.
2 October the course starts with training on weekends. Students will study for 8 weeks on Saturdays and Sundays from 9:00 to 15:00 Eastern European Time.
The full cost of the course is $1300. There is an early booking promotion until September 12 - buy the Sterile Technician course at school Multyprep can be done for only $ 995!
Sign up for a course with a discount!
Each student receives the latest edition of a book from a certification testing company and access to a myriad of additional resources on the Internet.
The school currently offers Online Central Sterile Technician Licensing Certification Exam Preparation Course. Classes are conducted live via Zoom as a certified instructor guides students through the curriculum and over 700 practice tests.
In addition, specialists Multyprep help with writing a professional resume and preparing for an interview.
Your question is Multyprep
Material prepared in partnership with
www: https://www.multyprep.com/
phone:+1 917 945 9506
E-MAIL: [email protected]
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