Soros Foundation Recognized as a Threat to Russia - ForumDaily
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Soros Foundation recognized as a threat to Russia

The Prosecutor General’s Office of Russia recognized the Open Society as undesirable and the Assistance Foundation of the American billionaire George Soros. The Prosecutor General’s Office has established that the activities of these organizations pose a threat to the constitutional structure of Russia.

The decision to recognize organizations as undesirable was submitted to the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

Charitable foundations founded by George Soros were previously included in the so-called “patriotic stop list” of non-profit organizations that the Federation Council proposed to check for signs of unwanted organizations.

The George Soros Foundation has been working in Russia since the middle of the 1990s. Among other things, the foundation was engaged in educational programs in Russia. In 2003, the foundation turned its activities in Russia.

Cooperation with undesirable organizations, according to Russian law, implies criminal penalties, including imprisonment.

The first organization, which the Prosecutor General’s Office recognized as undesirable, was the American “National Endowment for Democracy”.

Previously, the "Forum" reported that Vladimir Putin asked The Council for Science and Education to draw attention to foreign funds that sponsor the travel of Russian schoolchildren abroad and their training in foreign universities.

“We all know, probably, and maybe someone doesn’t know, the so-called foreign funds for schools work, network organizations simply“ fumble ”at schools in the Russian Federation for many years under the guise of supporting talented youth. In fact, how vacuuming sucked is simple and that’s it. Already directly from the school, applicants are taken and put on grants and taken away. Therefore, it is also necessary to pay attention to this, ”Putin said at a meeting of the Council for Science and Education in the Kremlin.

In response, users of social networks reacted tough sarcasm.


Procuracy organization fund Soros agent At home grant
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