A Florida woman killed a police officer and attempted to kill seven other people: she said God told her to do it
A Florida woman has been arrested in connection with the murder of a sheriff's deputy. Two colleagues of the deceased were injured, reports Yahoo!.
Julie Ann Sulpizio, 48, is charged with first-degree murder. The woman is charged with seven more counts of attempted murder, battery, including on law enforcement officers, and strangulation.
Lake County Sheriff Peyton Grinnell said at a news conference that Sulpizio was taken into custody Aug. 5 at a hospital in Tavares, Florida, after being taken there Aug. 2. Sulpizio remains in custody without bail, he said.
Chief Deputy Bradley Michael Link, 28, was shot and killed on the evening of August 2. As Grinnell said, he was "ambushed." Sheriff's Office deputies Harold Howell, 41, and Stefano Gargano, 28, were injured in the attack.
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Officers responded to a report of a disturbance at a home near Eustis, Lake County, around 20:00 p.m. on August 2.
According to Grinnell, the caller complained that a neighbor had broken into her house and attacked the people living there with beatings and shouts of religious content. She called other people "sinners." The woman who called for help said the attacker was Julie Ann Sulpizio, although she screamed that her name was “Helen, by the will of God.”
“Julie is up there in heaven,” she repeated.
Sheriff's deputies went to Sulpizio's home. When they arrived there, they found two dead dogs in the yard and an open window with a broken screen. Officers called for backup, then saw that the back door was broken in and heard noises from inside the house. Link and Howell entered the house through the back door, walked through the living room and hallway, but Link was shot in the back by Sulpizio's husband Michael, who was armed and ready to fight. Link tried to crawl away and later died from his injuries.
The Sulpizio couple's two daughters, Savannah and Cheyenne, were also in the house, and one of them was heard shouting: “My king will kill you all! You are the children of Lucifer!
When backup arrived, Julie Sulpizio's husband and daughters were found dead with gunshot wounds to the head. Footage from Link's body camera showed Michael and his daughters discussing suicide.
During a search of the home, deputies found a stash of guns, ammunition and bottled water, but did not find any phones or televisions, the sheriff said. Grinnell noted that the house contained a lot of "anti-government propaganda" and media material related to conspiracy theories.
During the first interrogation, Julie Sulpizio said that her neighbors were engaged in pedophilia in their home and again claimed that her name was “Helen,” Grinnell said. During the next interrogation, she claimed that she was trying to lure neighbors to her home so that her husband could kill them there.
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Then she said, “You see, the point is that we had to trick Lucy.”
“We later learned that Lucy is the name she calls Lucifer,” the sheriff explained and added that the detainee, pointing to one of the sheriff’s deputies, said: “You are one of them!”
Grinnell said Sulpizio appears to have no remorse.
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