There was a fire on the world's largest cruise ship - ForumDaily
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There was a fire on the world's largest cruise ship

The world's largest cruise ship, Icon of the Seas, caught fire while docked in a Mexican port. According to the ship's operator, Royal Caribbean, the "small fire" that occurred on June 25 was quickly extinguished. The cruise line said there were no injuries and overall damage on board was minimal, reports Yahoo! news with links to CNN, Independent and USA Today.

Фото: Depositphotos

The Icon of the Seas, nearly 365 meters long and displacing 250 tons, was in Costa Maya, Mexico, when the incident occurred. Backup power systems were immediately activated and main power was quickly restored.

All crew members are trained on the algorithm of actions in such situations. During the incident, passengers were kept informed of what was happening through on-board announcements.

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The Icon of the Seas was launched in January of this year; its construction cost $2 billion. There are 20 decks on board, it is served by 2350 crew members, and the ship can carry up to 5610 passengers. The liner offers tourists seven swimming pools, the largest water park, six water slides and nine Jacuzzis. There's also a climbing wall, Royal Caribbean's first food court, a beach-themed carousel, an arcade and mini golf. The ship has a karaoke bar and at least 15 other entertainment venues located in eight “quarters” of the ship.

When photos of the liner first appeared online, many spoke negatively about it: they called it a “monster,” “a nightmare,” and “human lasagna.” However, Royal Caribbean President Jason Liberty called it "the biggest, baddest ship on the planet." The opening of cruise bookings in October 2023 marked the highest booking day in the company's 53-year history.

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In March, there was also a fire on a Carnival Cruise Lines ship that was filmed by a passenger. A Royal Caribbean spokesman said minor fires on cruise ships are usually dealt with quickly and with minimal inconvenience to passengers.

The Icon of the Seas follows its route and heads to the Mexican island of Cozumel.

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