Federal Court requires ICE to free more 1000 illegal immigrants - ForumDaily
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Federal court requires ICE to release more 1000 illegal immigrants

A federal judge concluded that the US government is breaking its rules regarding the treatment of asylum seekers.

Photo: twitter.com/ICEgov

Judge James Boasberg issued a preliminary injunction, ordering the immigration and customs authorities to stop what the opponents called "arbitrary detention of legal asylum seekers."

Boasberg also ordered the US government to immediately release or schedule a hearing for more than a thousand asylum seekers. Many of these immigrants were imprisoned for months or years without a trial.

“By extending the Parole Directive's protections for asylum seekers, ICE must now ensure that such protections are implemented,” Boasberg wrote in his 38-page opinion obtained by The Washington Post.

The decision of the court is another blow to the Trump administration's immigration policy, which just a few weeks ago stopped its own policy on the separation of children and parents at the border between the United States and Mexico.

“This ruling means the Trump administration cannot use indefinite detention as a weapon to punish and deter asylum seekers,” said Michael Tan, senior state attorney for the Civil Union Union's Immigrant Rights Project.

All immigrants seeking asylum must first be screened to determine if they face persecution in their home countries. Those who violate this standard are immediately deported.

Under the administration of former President Barack Obama, ICE provided a positive response to more than 90 for the percentage of asylum seekers.

But the ACLU sued when it discovered that rates had almost completely turned over since Trump took office, with 96 percent being detained in the first eight months of 2017 compared to 10 percent in 2013.

Lawyers for the ACLU and other groups in May argued that since the start of the Trump administration, the number of people who received such parole fell to almost zero in five key ICE offices.

Boasberg in the 38-page Memorandum ordered an individual review of the cases of all asylum seekers pending parole.

It also does not allow the government to conduct mass detentions of asylum seekers in Detroit, El Paso, Texas, Los Angeles, Newark, New Jersey and Philadelphia.

Boasberg granted temporary status to asylum seekers and ordered that ICE not be able to detain any applicant for more than seven days without reviewing their case.

Meanwhile, the trial will continue hearing on the status of July 10.

The ACLU lawsuit was filed on behalf of the nine detained asylum seekers, some were imprisoned for up to two years while awaiting a hearing.

The Department of Justice argued that asylum decisions should not be considered by the courts.

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