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Five tips for those who want to immigrate to the USA

Every year, thousands of immigrants from the post-Soviet space emigrate abroad, in particular to America. Although moving to the West to live and work seems tempting at first glance, in most cases emigration to the United States is accompanied by peculiar financial, psychological and spiritual problems.…

Why in the US you can be fired at any time

In the United States, the relationship between employer and employee is practically not regulated by law, so you may well find out in the morning about your dismissal - and before lunch you will be forced to remove all your belongings from the workplace. User of the community “Pikabushniki Northern...

What can you ask at the US airport and how to answer questions at the entrance

You were issued an American visa. You are happy. We got air tickets. After hours of flight, the plane landed at New York JFK Airport. You are excited. Your family or friend will meet you in a few minutes. However, the border guard officer at the airport may not let you in ...

In the United States, people were shot at for the third time in 24 hours, this time in Chicago.

This time, an unknown person was shooting from a car at the young people who were in the park. As a result of the shooting in a park in Chicago, seven people were injured, according to NBC Chicago and WGN TV, citing police. The incident took place in Douglas Park. By…

The legend of Russian chanson with Brighton Beach Willy Tokarev died

Вилли Токарев скончался 4 августа, всего три месяца не дожив до своего 85-летнего юбилея. Умер Вилли Токарев — популярный композитор и исполнитель русского шансона. Об этом сообщило агентство Интерфакс со ссылкой на Антона Токарева — сына покойного. Российский певец и композитор…

The second mass execution of the day: ten people died in Ohio. A PHOTO. VIDEO

The shooting in Ohio killed ten people, including the attacker. Earlier Saturday, a man with a submachine gun killed 20 people in a Texas supermarket. Shooting occurred in Dayton, Ohio (USA). According to preliminary data, ten people died, including the attacker. ...

Shooting in Texas: 20 people killed in Walmart store

As a result of the shooting in a shopping center in the city of El Paso (Texas), 20 people were killed and more than 20 were injured, said Governor Greg Abbott, RBC reports with reference to CNN. Three of the victims were Mexicans, six more citizens of this country were injured in ...

In California, there was another powerful earthquake of magnitude 7,1.

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7,1 occurred in southern California, RBC writes with reference to the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC). According to media reports, several people were injured. Tremors were recorded at 20.19 local time. The epicenter of the earthquake was located 193 kilometers north of Los Angeles, its focus lay ...

Matvil Corp. confronts the lawlessness of the judicial authorities of Moldova

Intellectual property infringement lawsuit highlighted the scale of corruption in the Moldovan judicial system MatvilCorp, one of the leading ethnic online television providers in North America, found that legal broadcasters do not have a reliable system of protection against unfair competitors. Internet pirates, ...

Why are English words forgotten and how to deal with it

Anyone who has tried to learn a foreign language has come across this phenomenon: even if you repeat a new word a hundred times today, tomorrow there will be a blank spot in your memory in its place. There is a reason for this forgetfulness, and it lies in the mechanisms of our memory. But…

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