Entries by Tatyana Vorozhko
The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is also testing the healthcare systems of countries around the world. The peculiarities of the US medical system can both help combat the spread of the disease and make it much more difficult to contain the virus and treat patients. An ambulance ride is expensive. April XNUMXst...
The first two days of the Senate impeachment trial have passed. Senators will listen to the arguments of the parties - for three days each - after which they will be able to ask questions and vote: to continue the consideration or end it and render a verdict of guilt or innocence...
I thought that there was little harm from me to the environment: on weekdays I only go to the metro by car, I don’t own a plane or yacht, I don’t drink water from plastic bottles. But, together with my 11-year-old son, inspired by the environmental protests of youth, ...
In the United States, it has long been believed that being an only child in a family is a disease. She was called that - one child syndrome. So this disease was christened by the influential psychologist Grenville Hall at the end of the XNUMXth century, who founded the first psychological analysis laboratories in the United States. The only one ...
In 2002, I came to the United States to study for a graduate degree at Ohio State University (M. Afens). One of my greatest impressions was the attitude of many students to sleep. Many of them seemed to pride themselves on how little they needed to sleep. They…
How the Democrats' attempt in the US Congress to impeach President Trump will end, even his initiators do not know. How this will affect US support for Ukraine is also an open question. And it depends on a large number of factors: the personal attitude of President Trump to President Zelensky, ...
Population aging in developed countries is generally perceived as a problem. But are there any advantages to this trend? And how will the life of those who are now young and full of energy and are going to meet old age in America turn out? What will a society look like in which ...
Every November in Ukraine they honor the memory of those who died of hunger and the diseases caused by it during the artificial Holodomor-genocide of 1932-33. The recognition of the Holodomor as genocide of the Ukrainian people and the dissemination of knowledge about this tragedy is part of the state strategy. How it happens in ...
What would a society look like in which the average life expectancy is 100 years, and the number of people over 65 exceeds the number of children under 15? This is not a science fiction exercise, but a very real problem, over which politicians are fighting in the United States ...
Midterm elections will be held in the United States on November 6th. Although they receive less attention than presidential ones, they are important - their outcome can affect both local politics and the political balance in Congress and, under certain conditions, the future...