Author's notes Yuliya Bunyak

editor ForumDaily, California

Seven Secrets To Help You Save Thousands Of Dollars When Buying A Car In The USA

The process of purchasing a car in America is radically different from what we are used to at home. It’s like this: you come to a car dealership, look at a car, if you like the price, don’t like it - pay. In the USA, when purchasing even the newest one that has just come off the production line...

ForumDaily needs your support: make your contribution to the development of quality journalism

Over the past four years, ForumDaily has published tens of thousands of materials in which we reported the latest news, shared useful information about immigration to the United States and life after moving, gave advice on how to find a job, get an education and realize yourself in a new country. ...

Lottery "Green Card" in questions and answers

The green card lottery is one of the ways to immigrate to the United States, available to almost everyone. By and large, all you need is luck - for the computer system to choose your application. ForumDaily previously gave detailed instructions on how to fill out a questionnaire to participate in the lottery, and ...

How to spend a weekend in major US cities (May 25-27)

Not sure what to do this weekend yet? Then we go to you. ForumDaily has selected the most interesting cultural events that will take place in the main American metropolitan areas with a large Russian-speaking diaspora. You just have to read our reviews and make your choice. ...

Immigration to the USA: five stories of people who won the green card

From May 15, 2018, you can check the results of the Green Card 2019 (DV 2019) lottery draw. The Green Card Lottery is one of the ways to immigrate to the United States, which is suitable for almost any adult from the post-Soviet countries and Israel. This should be done only on the official ...

Russians can not get visas approved in the last days of the US consulate in St. Petersburg

The Russians, who were approved for American visas in the last days of the US Consulate General in St. Petersburg, eventually received back their passports without a visa. A resident of Moscow, Georgy, told ForumDaily about this in an exclusive commentary. Due to the busy schedule of the embassy in Moscow, he decided ...

The collapse of Bitcoin, the rise of Democrats to power in the US and other “shocking predictions” for 2018

For 15 years, the Danish bank Saxo Bank has been identifying 10 events whose likelihood is greatly underestimated. This year, the list published in the annual “Shocking Predictions” report included the collapse of Bitcoin, the triumph of corporate feminism, the weakening of Apple and the change in the mood of the American electorate, writes Russian...

Drug epidemic in the United States: who earns it

In 2016, an absolute anti-record was set in the United States - 64 people died from an overdose of potent substances. This is almost 000% more than a year earlier. And several times more than in the 20s. For comparison, for all the years of the war ...

NASA has shown large-scale forest fires in California from space

NASA showed what forest fires in the United States in southern California look like from space. Images from satellites of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration were sent to Earth and published on Twitter. “Images of California wildfires from our satellites. People in space, airplanes...

Ukraine has restricted the duty-free importation of goods from abroad

On the night of December 8, the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada supported the bill 6776-d, which amends the Tax Code of Ukraine and should ensure a balance of budgetary receipts next year. Among other things, this project provides for the restriction of duty-free import of goods into Ukraine. Moreover, as with an independent ...

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