FBI warns of possible terrorist attacks in New York
On the eve of the presidential elections in the United States may occur terrorist attacks. About it CBS reports quoting FBI information. Law enforcement agencies claim to have received operational information about impending terrorist attacks. It is assumed that they can implement the representatives of al-Qaeda, writes CBS.
It is specified that, according to the intelligence agency, an attack is being prepared in 3 states. There is no exact data, but the states of Texas, New York and Virginia are called. Estimated attack sites are also not specified.
CBS journalists suggest that the FBI is reinsured on the eve of the vote and is taking excessive security measures. Meanwhile, the FBI spokesman said that there is no excessive caution in the fight against terrorism.
“Our job is to keep people in the United States safe. We are analyzing information on a daily basis and will continue to work with our law enforcement and intelligence colleagues to identify and disrupt potential territorial plans,” the senior source told CBS.
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