Lots of rain, little snow: Farmer's Almanac predicted what winter 2024 will be like in the USA - ForumDaily
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Lots of rain, little snow: Farmer's Almanac predicted what winter 2024 will be like in the USA

Farmers' Almanac has updated its weather forecast for the United States through the end of 2024. After the warmest winter on record, the coming winter should be wet and mild across much of the Americas, reports USAToday.

Fall and winter, weather forecast concept.

Photo: Dreamstime.com/Ig0rzh

208th edition Farmers' Almanac predicts a “wet winter storm” for the upcoming 2024-2025 winter season.

"Many areas will see more wet weather than snow," Farmers' Almanac editor Sandy Duncan said. “We are focused on the wet winter ahead.”

Climatic a pattern known as La Niña, which is likely to develop between September and November, could lead to a warmer than normal winter. Average or above the norm temperatures are forecast for New England, the Northeast, the Southern Plains, the Southeast and the Atlantic Coast regions.

“The coldest temperatures look to be over the north-central states in the Great Lakes region,” she said.

Most of the country is expecting a wet Thanksgiving, except for the Southwest, she said. And Christmas in most regions will be more likely to be rainy than snowy.

Late January is expected to have a very active storm track. It is forecast to bring strong and gusty winds as well as heavy rainfall.

Most likely, winter cold will last longer than usual in the north, northeast and central United States.

The Farmers' Almanac was founded in 1818. Its longtime fans claim that the publication's weather forecasts are accurate approximately 80%-85% of the time. It uses a top secret mathematical and astronomical formula that takes into account sunspot activity, tidal action, planetary position and other factors.

Northeast, New York: Active time for storms in late January

Winter in New England and the Northeast region (Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont) will be stormy with above-normal precipitation and temperatures close to normal.

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An early start to winter is expected with a coastal storm along the Atlantic Coast in the first week of December bringing mixed precipitation followed by very cold temperatures. Much of New England and New York can expect up to 5 cm of snow in mid-January. The rest of the region will see rain and a wintry mix of precipitation and snow.

The end of January will prove to be a very active time for the region. The large storm will bring 15 cm or more of snow to Delaware, Maryland, parts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, as well as small amounts in southern New York and New England.

Snow storms are forecast in March. One of them will bring up to 12 cm of snow in mid-March in upstate New York, central and northern New England.

Midwest, Ohio and Michigan: Big Frost in January

The Great Lakes, Ohio Valley and Midwest region (Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin) can expect periods of sleet and rain in early November with cold temperatures through November 11th. Rain and sleet will continue through Thanksgiving, with a drier forecast later in the year.

“January appears to be the time for a big freeze to hit this region,” Duncan suggested.

A fast-moving storm is expected in mid-March. It will bring 5 to 12 cm of wet snow to Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and the Lower Peninsula of Michigan.

It is also expected to bring cold rain, sleet and snow to Kentucky, southern Indiana and southern Ohio on April 1st.

Northwest: Rain and sleet in Idaho, Oregon and Washington

The northwest region (Idaho, Oregon and Washington) will see plenty of showers. Wet snow will begin in early November. A stormy December can bring a clear, dry and cold Christmas holiday, followed by a crisp January.

But a strong storm is expected in early February. It will bring widespread snow to the Bitterroot Range in eastern Idaho.

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“So, in my opinion, we should expect very wet conditions there,” Duncan said. “Obviously, things may not be as bad in other states in the region.”

North Central, Colorado: More like winter

The north central states (Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming) will receive snow in the Rocky Mountains in early November.

An early November storm is forecast to bring heavy snow followed by very cold temperatures. After a rainy, snowy Thanksgiving, more storms will begin in December. But the forecast is for an overall clear, dry, very cold Christmas Day. Unseasonably low temperatures are expected in late January.

"We're forecasting that the cold season here will be similar to a real winter, with the coldest temperatures and average snowfall," the Farmers' Almanac editor shared.

A lot of snow is expected in February. A mid-February snowstorm forecast across the Plains could bring a lot of snow to Kansas.

Southeast, Florida: Mild and wet winter

The winter in the southeastern states (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia) is expected to be generally mild and wet.

A sharp cold front in mid-November could bring severe thunderstorms to Tennessee and southern areas followed by a hard freeze. Conditions will return to clear and dry ahead of a wet Thanksgiving. A coastal storm in early December will likely bring rain, wind and very cold air plus frost to Florida. A rainy Christmas will follow.

Cold conditions are forecast to continue into February. A mid-month storm could bring sleet to much of the region as well.

Texas South Central: Another winter snowstorm forecast

Winter in the south central states (Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico) and Texas is forecast to be mild with near to below normal precipitation.

The region is expected to see plenty of rain and sleet in December, followed by a mostly clear January.

But early February will be very unsettled, with some snow, possibly up to 15 cm in Texas.

California Southwest: Clear, dry and very cold on Christmas Day

The southwestern states (Arizona, California, Nevada and Utah) are forecast to experience average temperatures and precipitation. A dry Thanksgiving will be followed by rain and snow. A clear, dry, very cold Christmas season is forecast.

Heavy snowfall in the mountains at the end of January can lead to storms in the east.

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In the U.S. winter
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