Facebook and Instagram may be blocked in Europe this summer: the EU is unhappy with how Meta treats user data - ForumDaily
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Facebook and Instagram may be blocked in Europe this summer: the EU is unhappy with how Meta treats user data

Social networks Facebook and Instagram may be disabled in Europe after the Irish regulator ruled that their parent company Meta cannot share data of Europeans with the US. The edition told in more detail Independent.

Photo: Shutterstock

If EU regulators agree, both social media platforms will be unavailable to European users as early as this summer.

Meta has confirmed the Irish privacy regulator's decision.

“This draft decision, which is subject to review by European data protection authorities, addresses a conflict between EU and US law that is in the process of being resolved,” a Meta spokesperson said. “We welcome the agreement between the EU and the US on a new legal framework that will allow the transfer of data across borders to continue, and we expect this framework to enable us to keep families, communities and economies connected.”

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Facebook has over 300 million daily active users in Europe, representing more than 10% of all users worldwide.

And there are even more likes of Instagram in Europe: more than a quarter of all users live there.

The blocking order from the Irish Data Protection Commission has been sent to other European privacy regulators who will contribute to the decision within the next month.

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The dispute comes after years of legal battles between privacy activists and the US tech giant, which resulted in the European Court of Justice nullifying a 2020 EU-US data transfer agreement called the Privacy Shield.

In a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in March, Meta wrote: “Unless the new transatlantic data transmission system is adopted and we cannot continue to rely on SCC or other alternative means of transmitting data from Europe to the United States, we will likely , will not be able to offer some of our most important products and services, including Facebook and Instagram, in Europe.”

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