Two planes with hundreds of passengers on board nearly collided at Arizona airport
The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is investigating an incident that occurred on January 11 near Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix. Two passenger planes carrying hundreds of passengers nearly collided near the airport, reports CBS.

Photo: Printezis |
Both airliners were cleared to land around 11 a.m. local time when a collision warning was activated on Delta Flight 1070. The Airbus A330 was flying from Detroit with 245 people on board.
A similar warning was issued aboard United Flight 1724, which was en route from San Francisco. The Boeing 737, which was also approaching for landing, was carrying 129 passengers.
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According to preliminary data, the distance between the two planes was about 130 meters vertically, and a split second later they were less than four hundred meters apart horizontally.
According to the FAA, air traffic controllers gave corrective instructions to the crews of both flights, and both planes landed safely.
In audio recordings of the controllers' conversations, one can be heard clearing the United flight to land on runway 7R and then instructing the Delta flight to take up landing position on runway 8.
At that moment, the Delta flight deck's collision avoidance system activated and the voices in the cockpit were: "Descend, descend."
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The Phoenix incident comes amid an increase in near misses between planes, including a United jet that was hit by another plane at Chicago's O'Hare on Jan. 8 and a JetBlue flight to Boston that narrowly missed hitting another plane on the runway at Reagan National Airport in April.
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