European startup with office in Ukraine estimated at $ 1,1 billion - ForumDaily
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European startup with an office in Ukraine was estimated at $ 1,1 billion

Photo: Facebook TransferWise

Ukrainian startup TransferWise, which allows you to make international money transfers with a commission that is much lower than that of banks, was estimated at $ 1,1 billion. The service is already popular in 48 countries that work with 27 currencies. Interestingly, one of the TransferWise offices is located in Cherkasy, Ukraine, пишет Internet portal AIN.

TransferWise was founded in 2011 by two Estonian immigrants Kristo Karmann and Taavet Hinricus, but the first technical implementation of the service was performed by the Ukrainian Bogdan Danilyuk, who today works in the company's Tallinn office. He founded one of the first startup offices - the Cherkassy Department of TransferWise, which still exists and has 12 employees. This is where the startup infrastructure was born.

After the new round, the total amount of money raised by the startup reached $ 117 million. In the summer of 2014, TransferWise raised a record investment round of $ 58 million from the Andreessen Horowitz foundation. The company received a valuation of $ 1 billion from Sequoia Capital, and Ben Horowitz joined the board of directors of the company. Previously, Max Levchin and Richard Branson also invested in the company. Incorporated by TransferWise in the UK, the company’s head office is also located there.

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