Is There Life After Betrayal, or Melodramas on eTVnet - ForumDaily
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Is There Life After Betrayal, or Melodramas on eTVnet

Previously, stories began with the words “Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman,” and now — “She caught her husband with a young mistress.” At least, that’s how most of today’s melodramas begin. We wondered, what happens to the “humiliated and insulted” wives after this fatal silent scene on the threshold of their own bedroom? So, we offer you a selection of films that tell a variety of scenarios of how exactly the creators of melodramas recommend women who find themselves in this, not so interesting, situation to build their lives. You can, of course, watch these films on the interactive TV website eTVnet.

eTVnet — these are the latest new releases in cinema and TV, countless films and programs from the archive, pictures and series from the online cinemas START and Ivi, as well as more than 200 channels live and recorded. With an unlimited subscription for a year, you get a set-top box for watching on the TV screen as a gift! Friendly support staff will be happy to answer your questions. Call! +1 (855) 251-65 45. And right now, turn on these melodramas on eTVnet.

I believe in love

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On the eve of her daughter's wedding, seamstress Nadezhda catches her husband Gennady with his young mistress Marina. She leaves home, but finds no support from either her daughter or her mother, who convince her to turn a blind eye to the betrayal. However, Nadezhda is unable to return home and live as before, because she never loved her husband and lived with him only out of gratitude. Gennady once married her knowing that she was pregnant by another. Twenty years later, finding herself at a crossroads, Nadezhda decides to find her first and only love.

Translation from Turkish

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Deceived by her unfaithful husband Pavel, Natasha decides to take away his villa in Turkey, which he built for his mistress on the family budget. For this, she had to give up her share in the law firm that she and her husband had organized. However, upon arriving in Turkey, she discovers an unfinished house on a farm instead of a villa on the seashore. And her neighbor Akhmet greets Natasha with shots from a gun. He considers the land where her house stands to be his own - he got it from his father. Natasha has to start from scratch. She meets Anna, who married a Turk and is now bored. And while Anya helps Natasha settle in and tidy up part of the house, Akhmet is ready to do anything to make the life of his new neighbor unbearable and force her to leave.

It happens

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Kira and her child were abandoned by her husband. But, as they say, time heals everything: years pass, the bitterness of betrayal ceases to disturb the soul, life is gradually filled with small joys. A new admirer, Vadim, an intelligent and decent man, proposes to her. Suddenly, the prodigal husband appears on the threshold of Kira's apartment and begs his wife to take him back. The daughter, who has not stopped loving her father, also asks her mother to forgive him. Kira's heart is torn into pieces, she cannot make a decision. A friend advises living with both her husband and her lover, but for Kira this is an unacceptable option.


Photo: eTVnet

Kind and sensitive Olya works as a kindergarten teacher. She loves her husband selflessly and dreams of having her own children. But behind the peaceful family facade there is a secret. Her husband Denis has been leading a double life for a long time - he has a son growing up on the side, and only his wife's money keeps him in the family. When the deception is on the verge of being exposed, Denis and his mistress start to carry out a terrible plan that almost takes Olya's life...

Bring me back

Photo: eTVnet

Ella's life is like a fairy tale. She is a happy wife and mother, and she does what she loves: she writes novels that Moscow publishing houses eagerly buy. Everything changes when Ella catches her husband with a young mistress. Not only does he not regret his actions, but he also throws Ella out of the house without a livelihood. Ella is forced to return to the small town where she comes from...

Third attempt

Photo: eTVnet

Nastya and Oleg have been together for five years. Nastya is a nurse, Oleg is a musician in the orchestra, constantly disappearing at rehearsals. Their family happiness is largely based on Nastya - a gentle, caring wife, ready to support her beloved in everything. But one day, coming home early, Nastya finds her husband with his mistress. Believing in Oleg's repentance, Nastya forgives him, but happiness can no longer be maintained.

My husband's best friend

Photo: eTVnet

Based on the story by Ganna Slutsky "Labuh". Boris's quiet life ends when his daughter Dasha brings Alyosha to meet her future husband's parents. He recognizes the groom as a musician from his mistress's restaurant. Boris does not want to be exposed, and his attempt to negotiate with Alyosha about male solidarity ends in fiasco...

Husband on call

Photo: eTVnet

Having caught her husband with his mistress, 40-year-old Inna threw her unfaithful husband out the door. At the same time, her sister Alevtina came from the village to visit her neighbor Rimma, who lives on the floor above. She is determined to find a husband in the city. Rimma comes up with the idea of ​​calling a man from the "Husband for an Hour" service and deliberately breaks the tap in her kitchen.

Where does love go?

Photo: eTVnet

Harmony and well-being reign in Natalia's life. She works as a school teacher, is happily married, and her son Vanya studies at the institute. But behind the prosperous facade lie secrets that cannot be hidden forever. One day, Natalia learns that her husband is leading a double life and is dating another woman behind her back. Natalia is shocked by the betrayal, but the whole truth horrifies Natalia - Stas's mistress turns out to be her son Vanya's fiancée.

Perfect wife

Photo: eTVnet

Based on the play by Valentin Krasnogorov "The Curious Wife". Katerina was sure that she was the perfect wife until she found a message from her husband's mistress. Now she has to decide what to do with it. And then their neighbor Victor showed up on their doorstep, adding fuel to the fire and suggesting that Katerina pay Max back in the same coin. To do this, Victor persistently began to offer his candidacy.

Love is not by the rules

Photo: eTVnet

The family life of surgeon Maria was quite happy. She had a wonderful relationship with her loving husband and daughter, who also decided to become a doctor. Imagine her shock when she found out that her husband Evgeny was leaving her for his mistress. Maria painfully experiences the betrayal of a man she trusted unconditionally. She is brought out of deep depression by a meeting with Kirill. Despite the age difference, passionate love flares up between them. And when her husband, who has come to his senses, decides to return home, Maria must make her choice.

Love on four wheels

Photo: eTVnet

The family life of Lipa, a taxi company employee, is not going well. Her husband Kostya has long lost interest in the "working bee" and barely hides his infidelities. The last straw is the news that Kostya's mistress is expecting a child. Lipa lets her husband go and prepares to start a new life. Unfortunately, after the divorce, Kostya returns again. Having been tossed around rented apartments, he intends to move into Lipa's apartment with his mistress. Will kind Lipa be able to resist human meanness and find her lost happiness?

Theory of improbability

Photo: eTVnet

Based on the novel of the same name by Victoria Borisova. The long and happy family life of Irina and Victor begins to crack when the wife finds out about the betrayal. Not wanting to act rashly, Irina hides the fact that she has learned the truth and decides to save the family at all costs. On the advice of a friend, she turns to witches for help. But a fatal combination of circumstances prevents Irina from bringing the "magic" to the end: one after another, the sorceresses die a terrible death...

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