Trump called Zelensky and Putin: rumors of a plan for a ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine have already emerged - ForumDaily
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Trump Calls Zelensky and Putin: Rumors Already Appear About Russia-Ukraine Ceasefire Plan

After winning the election, newly elected US President Donald Trump spoke on the phone with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, as well as with Russian President Vladimir Putin, they write CNN и Reuters. These conversations took place against the backdrop of Trump's promises to quickly end the war in Ukraine (by the way, even the US bets are accepted).

Photo: Maksym Kapliuk |

Conversation with Zelensky

Trump was with billionaire Elon Musk at his Florida residence, Mar-a-Lago, when Zelensky called to congratulate him on his victory. A source present during the call described it as “positive” and “cordial.” Trump put the call on speakerphone, and Zelensky thanked Musk for helping him connect via Starlink. The call lasted about seven minutes, and politics were not discussed, the source said.

Zelensky wrote about this on the social network X: "We agreed to maintain a close dialogue and develop our cooperation. Strong and unwavering US leadership is vital for peace."

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Trump’s victory comes at a sensitive time for Kyiv, as Russia makes some gains in the Donbas. Throughout his presidential campaign, Trump questioned the U.S.’s continued commitment to Kyiv, more than two and a half years after the full-scale invasion began. He hinted that the U.S. might pressure Ukraine to negotiate an uneasy truce with Russia.

Conversation with Putin

Donald Trump also spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin and advised him not to escalate the war in Ukraine, a source familiar with the conversation told the Washington Post on November 10.

According to the source, Trump urged Putin to avoid escalation in Ukraine and recalled the significant military presence of American forces in Europe. The sources say Putin and Trump spoke about the need to achieve peace on the European continent, and Trump expressed interest in further conversations to discuss "an early resolution to the war."

At the same time, Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov stated that there was no conversation between Trump and Putin at all.

“This is pure fiction, there was no conversation,” Peskov responded to a journalist’s question about the conversation with Trump.

Trump also declined to comment.

"We do not comment on private conversations between President Trump and other world leaders," said Stephen Cheung, Trump's communications director, when asked about the call.

Trump's peace plan to resolve the war in Ukraine has appeared online

British newspaper The Telegraph revealed a possible plan for settling the war in Ukraine that Trump is considering.

The plan envisages the deployment of European and British troops in a 1200-kilometre buffer zone between the Russian and Ukrainian armies.

A possible plan outlined by three Trump campaign officials would involve freezing the current front lines and Ukraine agreeing to delay its plans to join NATO for 20 years. In exchange, the U.S. would give Ukraine weapons to deter Russia from resuming hostilities.

Washington will neither deploy its troops to secure the buffer zone nor finance this mission.

It is noted that this plan is one of several being considered by Trump.

Financing Ukraine

Last year, Trump insisted that Putin would never have invaded Ukraine if he had become the 46th president. He said Ukraine might have to give up some territory to reach a peace deal.

Congress has given Ukraine more than $174 billion under Biden, funding Trump has repeatedly criticized, according to the Government Accountability Office. The pace of aid will almost certainly slow under Trump, as Republicans control the 52-seat U.S. Senate.

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Control of the U.S. House of Representatives in the next Congress is still unclear, with some votes still being counted. According to Edison Research, Republicans have won 213 seats of the 218 needed for a majority. If Republicans win both chambers, Trump's proposals will have a much easier time getting through Congress.

The 2,5 XNUMX/XNUMX-year-old war in Ukraine is entering what some officials say could be its final act. Any new attempt to end the war would likely involve peace talks of some kind, which have not been held since the first months of the full-scale invasion.

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