Express train to La Guardia Airport in New York could cost a billion dollars - ForumDaily
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Express train to La Guardia Airport in New York can cost a billion dollars

According to the draft, announced by the administration of the State of New York, in a few years, residents of the metropolis and its guests will be able to get to La Guardia Airport by express train, just like today at John F. Kennedy Airport.

Governor Andrew Cuomo, announcing plans for the development of the transport network, called the figure in 450 million dollars. That is, in his opinion, the construction of the railway and the launch of express trains will cost.

The one-and-a-half-mile railway runs from the airport to the Mets-Willets Poit stop on the 7 subway line. There, on the express train, it will be possible to transfer from the Long Island railway.

“You can't get to LaGuardia Airport by train today. This is unacceptable, we need to get the rail service fixed,” Cuomo says. — No one will argue that New York is a modern world-class metropolis. However, our airports are outdated and do not meet current standards.”

In this regard, Andrew Cuomo also recalled the sensational statement by US Vice President Joseph Biden, who compared La Guardia Airport with a “third world country.”

In addition to launching an express train, the authorities' plans include creating a high-speed ferry service between the airport and Manhattan. In addition, the Governor announced his intention to connect the MetroNorth railroad, which now arrives at Grand Central Station, with another major terminal, Penn Station.

However, the head of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), Tom Prendergast, said that the $450 million estimate was not adequate. He estimates that building a rail link to LaGuardia Airport could cost twice that amount—a billion dollars.

The exact date when New Yorkers wait for the train to appear is not mentioned by the authorities.

Miscellanea In the U.S. New York Cuomo airport La Guardia Airport
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