Jon Bon Jovi Saved Woman From Suicide: She Wanted to Jump Off Bridge - ForumDaily
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Jon Bon Jovi Saved Woman From Suicide: She Wanted To Jump Off Bridge

Jon Bon Jovi, an American musician and founder of the popular rock band Bon Jovi, saved a woman who wanted to jump off a bridge, and he convinced her not to commit suicide, reports Yahoo.

Jon Bon Jovi of the band Bon Jovi live in concert as part of their 2013-2014 Because We Can World Tour.

Photo: Twoegrets

On the evening of September 10th, a woman was about to jump off the John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge in Music City while Jovi was on the set of his music video for the song People's House.


Jovi caught a glimpse of a woman in urgent need of help.

He approached the unknown woman and spoke to her calmly. Jovi convinced her to change her mind. He helped drag the woman over the fence with the help of another passerby, who also engaged the woman in conversation.

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Friends of the musician say that crisis management is exactly the spirit of a rock star.

Sources familiar with the incident said it was an ordinary day in the singer's life.

Jovi regularly helps those facing hunger, homelessness and other issues.

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Jovi does this through his organization, the JBJ SOUL FOUNDATION. He has extensive experience in reaching out to people in crisis.

Emergency services praised the legend for his activism.

The Nashville Fire Department and Police Department arrived on the scene immediately after Jovi successfully rescued the woman.

Nashville Police Chief John Drake praised the singer for acting quickly and preventing a disaster.

The problem of suicide in the world

According to the World Health Organization, more than 700 people die by suicide every year. For every successful suicide, there are about 000 attempts.

The organization said it can happen at any stage of life and in any part of the world. In 2019, suicide was named the fourth leading cause of death among people aged 15-29 worldwide.

77% of suicides worldwide occur in low- and middle-income countries, with nearly 20% due to self-poisoning with pesticides. There are various factors that contribute to suicide, including loss, loneliness, discrimination, illness, violence, abuse, heartbreak, conflict and other forms of humanitarian emergencies.

However, many people struggling with suicidal thoughts and mental health issues are often reluctant to seek help because of the stigma surrounding the act. Suicide and suicide attempts have long-term consequences. They can impact families, friends, co-workers, and society.

Tribute to the late mother

Two months ago, the rock legend shared a snippet of his band's new music video for the single Story of Love. The emotional video was a final tribute to his late mother, Carol Sharkey. She appears in the frame several times.

In the video, John plays guitar in front of a wall filled with family portraits. The clip includes a scene where he sings next to a large window that displays his family history.

The singer's mother died on July 9 at the age of 83.

"Our mother was a force to be reckoned with. Her spirit and determination shaped this family. She will be greatly missed," the family wrote in a statement.

Originally from Erie, Pennsylvania, Carol was a devoted fan of her son, founded a Bon Jovi fan club, and enjoyed success in several careers, from entrepreneurship to being a Playboy Bunny.

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