Two immigrants accused of smuggling weapons from the US to Ukraine - ForumDaily
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Two immigrants accused of smuggling weapons from the US to Ukraine

U.S. Attorney Maria Chapa Lopez announced the arrest of 51-year-old Igor Radionov from Alpharetta, Georgia, on charges of conspiracy and smuggling of goods from the United States in violation of the International Arms Trade Rules. This is stated on the official website Florida Attorney's Office.

Photo: Shutterstock

If found guilty on all counts, Radionov faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison. On October 26, 2020, Radionov first appeared before a federal court.

According to the indictment, in the period from 2014 to 2020, Radionov, his accomplice Vladimir Volgaev and another accomplice living in Ukraine, conspired to export defense products outside the United States, including barrels and bolts, without a license or prior written permission from the US Department of State ...

US District Judge Mary S. Scriven today sentenced 69-year-old Vladimir Volgaev of Sarasota, Florida to 2 years and 9 months in federal prison for stealing state property and smuggling goods from the US in violation of international arms trade rules. The court also ordered Volgaev to pay $ 6, which is related to the proceeds of the crime.

Volgaev pleaded guilty on August 19, 2019.

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According to court documents and evidence presented at the hearing of the case, at which the prosecutor's office refersDuring the period from 2011 to 2018, Volgaev sent more than 1600 components of firearms from the United States to Ukraine, including barrels, bolts, receivers and housings. These components were used to create fully functional firearms including pistols and rifles.

However, Volgaev lived in a house subsidized by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD"). In periodic applications for extension of residence, Volgaev lied to HUD about his personal finances, including the income he received from the illegal firearms trade.

Prosecutors would like to remind you that an “indictment” is a formal allegation that a defendant has committed one or more violations of federal criminal law. The accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

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